Re: Fw: Gudges's diagrams from today's F2F on EPR comparison

On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 12:59:15PM -0500, Francisco Curbera wrote:
> >I think the spec is quite clear that the identifying information is
> >the URI and the RefProps.
> That depends on how you define "identifying information". Can you explain
> what are the precise semantics of that in your view?

Fair question!

I mean information which could be considered part of the identifier.
And by "identifier", I mean, in practice, a token which can be used
repeatedly to refer to the same "thing".

One could certainly make the claim that RefParams are themselves an
identifier, and I think they'd be right.  But what they identify is
orthogonal from what the URI+RefProps identify, which is the endpoint;
they identify some chunk of shared contextual state.

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Thursday, 9 December 2004 21:37:32 UTC