WS-Addressing LC Issue 73 Closed


You raised issue lc73[1] against the last call working draft of the  
WS-Addressing SOAP Binding. The WG discussed your issue and has  
decided to close it as follows:

(i) The type of the RetryAfter element[2] will be xs:unsignedLong[3].  
The WG believes that a retry limit of something like 580 million  
years should be sufficient for most purposes and that the added  
advantage of a simple binding to programming languages outweighs the  
additional flexibility of being able to specify longer retry limits.

(ii) We agreed with your comment regarding infinite retry and will  
update the descriptive text along the lines you suggest.

We trust that this resolution is satisfactory, if not please let the  
WG know by responding to this message within two two weeks.

Marc (on behalf of the W3C WS-Addressing working group)


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Friday, 20 May 2005 15:52:07 UTC