nonNegativeInteger or duration for RetryAfter


as an LC comment for WS-Addressing, I'd like to voice my support for
either using nonNegativeInteger or duration for RetryAfter timeout
(section 5.5 in WS-Addressing SOAP binding), as opposed to unsignedLong
or unsignedInt which impose unnecessary restrictions (even though
perhaps reasonable, 64 bits for milliseconds should be enough for
everyone 8-) ).

Further, the default is set to "infinite", presumably to signal that the
receiver does not expect the endpoint ever to become available again. 
I think this intent should be made explicit in the spec text, without it
I, for one, was confused for a while and wanted to suggest a more
reasonable default value.

So maybe extending the spec like this could help:

"If this element is omitted from the detail, the value is infinite,
effectively signaling that the endpoint is not expected to become
available ever again."

In case you wonder, this is the last LC comment from me at this time. 8-)

Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Ph.D. student researcher
                   Digital Enterprise Research Institute
                   University of Innsbruck

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 15:45:13 UTC