WS-Addressing Last Call Issue 36 closed used your proposed resolution

 Hello, Jonathan!


On May 2nd, 2005, the WS-Addressing Working Group closed Last Call issue
36 (SOAP - Clarify Invalid Message Addressing Property and Message
Property Required Faults), which you submitted, by accepting your
proposed resolution, quoted below.



Rebecca Bergersen
Principal Architect, Middleware Standards
IONA Technologies
200 West Street Waltham, MA 02451 USA
Tel: (781) 902-8265
Fax: (781) 902-8001
Making Software Work Together TM



Replace Section 5.1 [in the SOAP Binding spec] as follows:
5.1 Invalid Addressing Header
A header representing a WS-Addressing 1.0 Message Addressing Property
cannot be processed.
[Code] S:Sender
[Subcode] wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader
[Reason] A header representing a Message Addressing Property is not
valid and the message cannot be processed. The validity failure can be
either structural or semantic, e.g. a [destination] that is not an IRI
or a [relationship] to a [message id] that was never issued.
[Detail] [Invalid header QName]
Similar problems exist in Section 5.2 (what is a [missing property
QName]?).  Replace Section 5.2 as follows:
5.2 Message Addressing Header Required
A required header representing a message addressing property is absent.
[Code] S:Sender
[Subcode] wsa:MessageAddressingHeaderRequired
[Reason] A required header representing a message addressing property is
not present.
[Detail] [Missing header QName]



Received on Monday, 2 May 2005 21:50:48 UTC