Web Thing Protocol: Call for Use Cases & Requirements

Dear WoT members,

I am writing to inform you of a call for use cases and requirements
for the Web Thing Protocol, on behalf of the Web Thing Protocol Community
Group <https://www.w3.org/community/web-thing-protocol/>. I invite your
feedback on a first draft of a Use Cases & Requirements
<https://w3c.github.io/web-thing-protocol/requirements/> report intended as
a starting point for that conversation. Feedback can be submitted via the Web
Thing Protocol CG mailing list
<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-thing-protocol/> and via
issues on the Group's GitHub repository

The Web Thing Protocol specification will be designed to complement the WoT
> Thing Description specification
> <https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description/> by defining a common
> sub-protocol for the Web of Things, such that any WoT client and WoT device
> (or "web thing") which follow the specification will be able to communicate
> with each other.

The Web Thing Protocol is aimed predominantly at developers of greenfield
IoT implementations who are looking for a more constrained protocol to use
with the Web of Things, which can guarantee ad-hoc interoperability between
WoT clients and WoT devices. The WoT Profile
<https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile> deliverable in the current WoT WG
charter may help with this effort by defining a mechanism by which the
author of a Thing Description can denote that a given device conforms to a
constrained set of protocols.

I look forward to your feedback.



Ben Francis
Krellian Ltd. <https://krellian.com>

Received on Friday, 26 June 2020 16:04:19 UTC