Deadline extension: Special Issue on "Collaborative Sensing", Sensors journal (MDPI Publishing; IF: 3.275)

Dear Colleagues,

we are writing to inform you that we are guest editing the Special Issue "Collaborative Sensing" for the Sensors journal (*IF: 3.275*).

The paper submission deadline has been extended to *December 31st, 2020*, but the review process of each article will start immediately on submission. Sensors has fast mean response times (17.2 days between submission and first decision, 3.6 days between acceptance and publication).

Sensors is an *Open Access* journal, which may be of interest particularly for research funded by public sector organizations.

We hope the topics may meet your research interests and we are available to provide any clarifications.

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,
Floriano Scioscia, Michele Ruta, Eugenio Di Sciascio
Polytechnic University of Bari
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Received on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 08:36:59 UTC