[wot-marketing] minutes - 2 March 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Sebastian!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             WoT Marketing

02 March 2021

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Mar_2.2C_2021
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-wot-marketing-irc


          Coralie_Mercier, Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura,
          Kuihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima



          kaz, sebastian


    1. [4]minute check from last time
    2. [5]WoT Welcome page as the official WoT page!
    3. [6]Explainer video
    4. [7]Blog post
    5. [8]PR 134

Meeting minutes

   <koalie> [9]Previous (2021-02-23)

      [9] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-wot-marketing-minutes.html

  minute check from last time


     [10] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-wot-marketing-minutes.html

   Daniel ran the link checker

   McCool: will provide another video from last TPAC

   Daniel: so far, we do not have a link to our testing reports

   <kaz> kaz: suggest we put issues to our TODO list and update
   the pages

   McCool: testing should be available for new release

   no objections to bring the minutes to the public

  WoT Welcome page as the official WoT page!

   <kaz> [11]New WoT page!

     [11] https://www.w3.org/WoT/

   <koalie> thanks all for making this happen

   [12]Issue 118 - Plans for new WoT webpage launch on March 1st

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/118

  Explainer video

   <kaz> [13]WoT Explainer Video fallback site

     [13] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/wot-explainer-video.html

   Sebastian: maybe we can add the above alternative URL to the
   "WoT Videos" page

   Daniel: don't want to show the alternative link to those who
   can access the YouTube site

   Kaz: if that's possible and needed, that might make sense
   … but we can simply add the 2nd link to the original link
   saying "or this"
   … to add even more stability

   McCool: +1

   Sebastian: can you add that, Daniel?

   Daniel: ok

   Sebastian: (visits the YouTube channel)

   <koalie> thanks to Siemens and Intel for sponsoring this video

   [14]W3C channel on YouTube

     [14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMFXg-kni0U

   Kaz: wondering about the other language versions for the
   captions :)

   Sebastian: definitely, I can work on German
   … Kaz, you can for Japanese
   … and maybe Coralie for French?

   kaz+colarie: yes :)

   Sebastian: maybe we can ask the Singapore GovTech, etc., too
   … can ask my colleagues too

   McCool: this is all incremental work :)

   Sebastian: (assigns volunteers to expected languages)

   [15]caption language assignment - issue 141

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/141

  Blog post

   <koalie> [16]Issue 117 - proposed blog post

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/117

   <Zakim> koalie, you wanted to ask who takes the action to
   actually be the author and post this to the W3C blog (and when,
   so we can time Marcomm additional promo)

   Coralie: co-Chairs can post the blog

   Sebastian: need to check with Ege
   … I can post the article itself

   Coralie: find me on IRC if any problems

   Lagally: have a question on the presentations
   … a bit surprised to see it's already published
   … how to review the content
   … myself gave some comments

   Sebastian: the Web page launch was planned on March 1
   … and our approach is incremental approach
   … would update the page gradually
   … getting further PRs is welcome

   Kaz: yeah, I'm OK with this gradual approach
   … btw, the checkbox within issue 118 should be synchronized
   with issue 84

   [17]issue 118

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/118

   [18]issue 84

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/84

   Sebastian: keeps issue 84 open

   Daniel: Kaz created some more remaining questions as checklist

   [19]Kaz's checklist

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/118#issuecomment-788355276

   Daniel: how to handle the Blog post, etc.?

   Sebastian: thought we had already talked about some of the
   … e.g., we can simply keep the IG blos open as is

   [20]old IG blog

     [20] https://www.w3.org/blog/wotig/

   Coralie: yes

   Sebastian: creates another issue on blogging
   … transferring all wotig blog entries to the w3c main blog

   Sebastian: can we ask you to handle this, Coralie?

   Coralie: it depends on the System Team
   … will get back to you next week

   <koalie> [I asked systems team what their timeline is for
   consolidating into the main W3C blog]

   Sebastian: redirection for "Wg" to "wg" ?

   Kaz: we already have redirections for "WG" => "wg" but not sure
   if we want to have another one for "Wg" => "wg"

   Daniel: ok with the current setting but would have a our own
   404 page

   <koalie> [Coralie departs]

  PR 134

   [21]PR 134 - Webpage: Adding TF info to WG and IG overview

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/134

   Lagally: updates on the TF info
   … adding a simple table on the TF's activity

   Daniel: gave a comment
   … not sure about the affiliation of some of the TFs

   Lagally: all the TF belongs to both/either IG and/or WG

   McCool: let's talk about this next time


    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [22]scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).

     [22] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 22:03:51 UTC