Regarding prior art on Patent 7,743,336 and Patent Application 20070101146


I took a look on that patent and the docs at
All I read, did remind me on the handling of security on
X-Windowsystems von "Trusted Solaris from SUN",
even versions I did install around 1999 to 2001.

I give an example:

- I start Openwindows on Trusted Solaris.
- Next i simply open 2 windows, one with a browser,
  the other one an X-Term, execute an "su root" and
  then start a "vi" on any textfile.
- Without adding "access rights", I was not able 
  to copy (with mouse) any text from one window to the
  I case one tries it, the security audit system
  did create an event (by default logging).

In this system, one can even allow or disallow a user or
an application to access the network (a resource)
and so on.

This looks to mee like the same thing describes on
widget security.
The difference is, that there was no xml configration or
web-like configration.

You might want to take a look on that technologie in detail,
but from my point of view (european), I see either prior art
or a at least the point, that the level on innovation is too
small to gain a patent on that.

Regards, Roland


Dr. Roland Kaltefleiter

Dr.-Hell-Straße 6
D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 2390 400
Fax: +49 431 2390 499

Vorstand: Dr. Joerg Posewang (Vorsitz), Dr. Roland Kaltefleiter, Andreas Seeger
Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dirk Lukas (Vorsitz)
Sitz der AG: Kiel, HRB 5358 USt.ID: DE156073942

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Received on Saturday, 16 July 2011 11:33:32 UTC