[whatwg] Notifications: making requestPermission() return a promise

On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Peter Beverloo <beverloo@google.com> wrote:
> One argument I came across for overloading requestPermission is the
> following:
>     Promise.all([ Notification.requestPermission(),
> swRegistration.push.requestPermission() ]).then(...);
> Might be worth considering, it's relatively cheap to support and can be
> implemented without breaking backwards compatibility.

One minor risk with also returning a promise is that exceptions for
incorrect invocation would no longer throw an exception, but instead
reject the promise.

Otherwise I would never expect this promise to be rejected as the user
declining notifications is not exceptional.

I would be okay with adding this.


Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 13:07:14 UTC