[whatwg] Text selection in IFrames

If I have a text selection in an iframe and select text or click on any
element in the parent document the browsers behave differently
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Fabian Jakobs wrote:
> What is the desired behavior in this case?
On 8/1/07, Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch> wrote:
>It depends on the platform's conventions. It's not really an
interoperability issue as far as I can tell.

Not an interoperability issue? One of the main benefits of HTML has been
it's device-independence. Ideally, a page should look and act the same in
every browser on every platform. Frankly, I don't see an application for
using user-selected text, but if a script requests the selected text, it
should be clear what the script is getting.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney
Devi Web Development
Devi.WebMaster at gMail.com
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Received on Thursday, 9 August 2007 07:37:32 UTC