[whatwg] Publishing another Web Forms 2 Call For Comments soon

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Dean Edwards wrote:
>>a global attribute also makes it harder to implement on IE6 where you 
>>would have to walk the DOM to find repetition blocks.
> Actually the definition of how the repetition model works is such that you 
> don't have to walk anything more than the parent chain of the repetition 
> template, and that applies to all UAs. So I don't see why implementing 
> this in IE would be any harder than anywhere else, at least not in so far 
> as the global attribute goes.
> http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#repetitionModel

you are assuming that the person who is implementing wf2 is attaching 
the HTCs. that is one way i guess. by this i mean that they use 
something like this is CSS:

tr.repeat {
   behavior: url(/wf2/repeat.htc);

to make an implementation invisible a single WF2 "include" (a style 
sheet or JS library) should handle attaching the behaviors. because this 
is a global attribute (any element can be a repetition block) you'd have 
to walk the DOM to find those elements with the "repeat" attribute set.
we'd have to do something like this in CSS (thanks Olav):

* {
display: expression((this.repeat=="template")?"none":this.display);

this is not a big issue for me Ian. the expressions above will work 
fine. they can be tweaked to stop them endlessly evaluating (a problem 
with expressions).


Received on Saturday, 29 January 2005 19:35:03 UTC