Re: Modern Tribe & W3C Website Redesign!

Hey Coralie and W3C Team,

Hope your week is going well! We're all super excited to send over our
proposal for the Site Redesign project. Tribe has a lot of
passionate folks when it comes to web standards and spec, so the potential
opportunity to work together with W3C on a redesign project has all of us
very jazzed.

First off, thanks so much for taking the time to put together a great
initial RFP and outline for the site redesign project. This was a fun one
to dig into with our team and I know Modern Tribe would bring a lot to the
table on this project.

Second, attached is our proposal for the W3C redesign project! Given the
requirements you have, our experience with WordPress and publishing, and
the team's expertise across the board, I'd say we're a pretty dang good fit
for what you're looking to accomplish in 2020.

Let's review a few points from the proposal quick, as y'all review

*+ Timeline & Approach within our proposal:* I know you have a stated goal
to launch the new site within 2020 and have some specific management and
Advisory committee check-in points throughout the project. We've included a
high-level timeline in the proposal doc and also outlined a more detailed
Gantt for this project (here <>), which we will
use as a starting point and then add fidelity to it, if we have the
opportunity to work together. We know the timeline is a bit aggressive,
however our team is entirely confident in the ability to launch in 2020.
We're happy to discuss these details further in order to ensure we meet any
timeline expectations on your end.

*+ Value, Cost, and Budget:* We broke down the initial budget and cost on
page 49 of the proposal. This is an initial estimate based on our
experience with similar sized efforts and requirements. I do want to note
that we shouldn't let cost be a determining factor here, however. If y'all
want to revise the cost and scope a bit, we're happy to do so in order to
come in entirely below your stated $200k budget for Phase 1. We're happy to
accommodate here!

*+ Previous Work and References:* Pages 55-63, and page 73 include a small
batch of recent client projects and references. We also wanted to include
an additional PDF of case studies for visual samples and project rundowns.
We're happy to dive deeper on these with your team, as well. You're welcome
to contact anyone from our references list, if you'd like to hear about
their experience working with Tribe.

*+ 2 PDF Versions: *I did want to highlight that if possible, we would
prefer our Cost, Team information, and Client Contact information is
excluded from the public viewing and is kept confidential — so we have
included 2 PDFs, one with costs / bios / references included (*Modern Tribe
+ W3C Website Redesign Proposal.pdf*) and one without (*Modern Tribe + W3C
Website Redesign Proposal [No Cost Included].pdf*). Please let us know if
there are any issues with this.

Alright, I think that wraps up the initial draft of our proposal for the
W3C Site Redesign! Let's use this as a starting point in working together
and something that we can either (1) move forward with if you're happy with
the proposed scope and cost, or (2) revise and refine, as needed, for
buy-off and sign-off on your side. But either way, we're happy to
accommodate next steps that work well for you all!

Thanks again, let's chat soon and keep the ball rolling! Can you confirm
receipt on this email when you get a chance (just a couple larger PDFs that
we want to confirm make it over to you)?


Travis Totz

Director of New Projects @ Modern Tribe

612-206-1445 | LinkedIn <> | Twitter

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 6:55 PM Michael Hofweller <> wrote:

> Hey Coralie!
> Hope all is well.  I'm emailing you to let you know that I'll be out of
> office and travelling throughout the holidays starting tomorrow through
> until early January.  I've CC'd Travis Totz our Director of New Projects
> onto this email and he will take over for me as your primary point of
> contact.  Travis is all up to speed on our conversations to date and he
> will be making the final submission this Friday by 5 UTC.  We're really
> excited to have you review our solution!
> All the best, and have a wonderful holidays.
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 9:05 AM Coralie Mercier <> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> > On 10 Dec 2019, at 18:04 , Michael Hofweller <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Coralie,
>> >
>> > A big thank you for answering these questions for us! Sorry for the
>> late reply, end of year tends to pick up from time to time. We're working
>> away on your solution and we're really excited to hear feedback from your
>> team once we've submitted it this Friday!
>> Excellent!
>> Looking forward to receiving it.
>> Coralie
>> >
>> > Have a great day,
>> >
>> > On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 7:38 AM Coralie Mercier <> wrote:
>> > Hi Michael,
>> >
>> > I became aware of your e-mails just now. I apologize I couldn’t respond
>> earlier; other things have kept me busy since Friday.
>> >
>> > Are you aware that we published a FAQ last Friday?
>> >
>> >
>> > I believe a number of your questions are covered already.
>> >
>> > Here’s to fill some of the gap:
>> >
>> > ● 2.1 Why Are We Doing This: ​When you reference the website as, “NOT
>> being a primary driver of sales,”
>> > ○ Is this a statement, or a problem you’re looking to remedy with the
>> redesign project?
>> >
>> > -> A statement. We meant to clarify early that we were not looking to
>> develop an e-commerce site. However, we have an interest in making
>> crowdfunding a part of what can be done on our website. The current website
>> makes it hard to.
>> >
>> >
>> > ● 3.3 Key Audiences & Benefits:
>> > ○ Will we have access to sets of the audiences you’ve outlined in this
>> section? Including them in our process will help us best understand how we
>> can achieve their goals.
>> >
>> > -> We probably will be able to encourage some individuals in these
>> audience to volunteer time.
>> >
>> >
>> > ● 4.1 Phases:​ The design chosen for Phase I needs to look at the rest
>> of the site, so we don’t run any risk that Phase I will not scale well to
>> cover the expectations for the rest of the site.
>> > ○ Are we keeping some consistency between old and new design as we work
>> through the different phases?
>> >
>> > -> I don’t know. Not necessarily. I wouldn’t want the design that is
>> developed in phase 1 to be constrained by the 2008 design. Informed, yes..
>> >
>> >
>> > ●  4.1 Phases: V​ertical industries landing pages.
>> > ○  Are you referring to the pages on the homepage of W3.ORG under the
>> header “Web and Industry”?
>> > ○  Could you provide more clarity around the deliverables for this part
>> of scope?
>> >
>> > -> Yes. This is basically redesigning those pages, if they ought to be
>> part of the phase 1 overhaul, as determined by the discovery phase in
>> information architecture.
>> >
>> >
>> > ●  4.1 Phases: P​ublic Work Groups homepages (ala IETF data tracker).
>> > ○ Are you referring to homepages for each Group found in a list on this
>> page​ that includes
>> Accessibility Guidelines, Audio, Automotive, Publishing... etc.,
>> >
>> > -> Yes and no. In phase 1, we want to “create” a category of pages
>> called public work group homepages. We’d have as many as we have work
>> groups and they’d ideally be automatically populated using the W3C API.
>> They would represent a layer between <
>>​> and the various individual
>> web spaces that the work groups maintain themselves. In a future phase, I’d
>> like that category of pages to subsume the latter.
>> >
>> >
>> > ● 4.1 Phases:​ We noticed you have multiple regions accessible from the
>> main page. Ex, Austria, Australia, Spain.
>> > ○ Are all of those regions in-scope for this project?
>> >
>> > -> Maybe. We would like the ability to make available a subset of our
>> Website in a given language, as opposed to relying currently on websites
>> owned and maintained separately.
>> >
>> >
>> > ●  4.3 Services; Design: A​ dopt, or define & draft a website
>> governance document / project specification / design system.
>> > ○ Are you using any governance tool for accessibility and compliance
>> today, like SiteImprove?
>> >
>> > -> No.
>> >
>> > ●  4.3 Services; Development:​ M​ ultilingual site, language
>> negotiation (e.g., Accept-Language header in combination with page links to
>> alternate languages, and 'sticky' content negotiation techniques)
>> > ○  How are you currently translating the website?
>> > ○  Is it done manually?
>> >
>> >
>> > ●  4.3 Services; Development: C​ontent migration
>> > […]
>> > -> The W3C Systems team will perform content migration. We may need
>> advice/consulting, however.
>> >
>> >
>> > Coralie
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > On 2 Dec 2019, at 18:06 , Michael Hofweller <> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > <Modern Tribe Questios for W3C (1).pdf>
>> >
>> > --
>> > Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications -
>> > +337 810 795 22
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> >
>> > Michael Hofweller
>> > Business Development Lead @ Modern Tribe
>> > 416-738-7140 | LinkedIn
>> --
>> Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications -
>> +337 810 795 22
> --
> Michael Hofweller
> Business Development Lead @ Modern Tribe
> <>
> 416-738-7140 | LinkedIn <>

Received on Friday, 13 December 2019 18:21:06 UTC