Re: Proposal of new requirements for the Web-based signage toward W3C standard


 Ryoichi Kawada, KDDI

On 2015/10/07 21:35, Shigeru FUJIMURA wrote:
> Dear BG members,
> In the Web-based Signage Business Group, I understand that the
> architecture and requirements for Web-based signage player have been
> discussed. I also understand that discussions about requirements
> according to profiles have been deepened. On the other hand, there must
> be requirements for expanding a browser to operate terminal software and
> hardware.
> For example, if more low-level operations on terminals, such as changing
> mode from sleep to normal or restarting to recover from troubles,
> through browser are capable, I believe it increases the potential of
> Web-based signage.
> This doesn't correspond hardware requirements and correspond
> intermediate range between player and hardware. In addition, security
> model for the signage player is quite different from normal browser. So,
> taking this viewpoint into account, requirements and functions
> especially for web signage are worth discussed in this BG.
> We would like to start the discussion with a view to launching working
> group and making standards. Would you please join this discussion?
> Best regards,
> Shigeru
> =============================
> NTT Service Evolution Laboratories
> Shigeru Fujimura

Ryoichi "Roy" Kawada, Dr.Eng.
W3C Fellow from KDDI
Senior Visiting Researcher
Keio Research Institute at SFC
Phone:  +81 3 3516 2504
Fax:    +81 3 3516 0617
Mobile: +81 80 5943 9606

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 13:44:36 UTC