Re: Some comments

Hi Franck,

Thanks for your helpful comments.
Responses inline below.

On Tue, 21 May 2013 23:07:07 +0200
"Franck Dupin" <> wrote:

> Hi Futomi.
> Thanks a lot for your work about web signage player.
> I have some comments about your document proposal
> ( :
> 4. Concept of viewport
> “The display viewport is the area in which the display can show something.
> The content viewport is the area in which an application shows web-based
> signage contents. The display viewport and the content viewport are not
> necessarily identical.”
> >I’m bored with your notion of “content viewport”. in fact, you describe
> here an “application viewport”. “application viewport” being composed of a
> region(s), of a scene, of a content like your illustration

You are right.
The term "content viewport" is likely to be confusing.
The term "application viewport" seems to be better.
I'll modify it soon.

> 6 Regions
> “Background color
> This color will be seen at areas where the contents do not exist or the
> contents are transparent. This color is specified in a CSS color.
> >You talk about background color for regions but can we consider background
> color  for content viewport ( and display viewport) ?

This document has already included the background color
for both of the content viewport (a.k.a. application viewport) 
and the display viewport.
See the section "5 Viewport properties".

> 7 Scene content types
> “Conformant players of this profile must support 3 types of contents as a
> scene.
> Single image
> Players must render an image file as a scene. Players must support PNG, GIF
> (including animation gif), and JPEG as an image format at least. An image
> file is rendered using the img element or the object element specified in
> Players must support DataURLs for images. [RFC2397]
> Players may support more sophisticated formats, such as PDF. [PDF] “
> >I think it is an error to consider pdf document like single image. Pdf is a
> CDFi (Compount Document Format by Inclusion – see
> and specifically “paged document” with
> slideshow mode

I know PDF is *not" identical to an image file.
But in terms of HTML, PDF is conceptually similar to an image file
because the img element in a HTML document is allowed to
embed an PDF file in itself.

As you mentioned, PDF have the slideshow mode. On the other hand,
GIF can have similar capability using animations (i.e. animation GIF).
I think that having the slideshow mode is not a matter 
in this context.

> >A signage player should play : 
> >Image raster (png, gif, jpeg)
> >Vector (svg, svg+smil, flash)
> >Video (mp4, webm)
> >HTML5 based page (iframe)
> >Paged document like pdf, e-pub,  or ms-powerpoint / open office documents
> ( )
> >RSS / Ticker / Why not Timed Text ( or
> )  

The document is "Core Profile".
As described in the section "Abstract",
it defines just requisite minimum for web-based signage.
Most of existing signs don't need all features.
We can define other features as other profiles.
Actually, this BG has listed some profiles in the wiki.

What we should discuss now is what features should be
included in the Core Profile or not.
I don't want the Core Profile to be overengineer.

> 8 Playlist
> “…Each scene must have the duration. If the duration isn't specified,
> application is encouraged to adapt the default duration (for example,
> 60seconds).”
> >Sequence can have indefinite duration because intrinsic media duration
> (video or rss after unknown flow of items)…

But the "Core Profile" doesn't treat media files such as video, audio.
Video and audio are planed to be defined in the "Basic Media Profile"

> 9 Scheduling
> >Why don’t advice full features of  iso8601
> ( :

Though the documents we are planning don't define the format,
It seems to be really helplul. I didn't know it.

> >Repeated Date/Time Events with some examples :
> >On the top of every hour starting 9AM on January 1st, 2010
> >R/2010-01-01T09:00/PT1H
> >On midnight of each of the first 6 Mondays in the year 2010
> >R6/2010-01-01+w1/P1W

It seems to be useful.
How about we plan to make "Scheduling Profile" or 
"Scheduling Extension"?


Newphoria Corporation
Chief Technology Officer
Futomi Hatano

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 01:22:34 UTC