Call for Consensus: Remove "onoverconstrained" event and track muting

A discussion between developers [1] has surfaced that:

a) After five years in the spec, no browser has implemented

b) None of the implementors have found a realistic way to test
"onoverconstrained", even if implemented

c) Very few developers have said that "onoverconstrained" is critical to
their use cases.

Given those observations, the chairs are sending out a call for
consensus on removing "ononverconstrained" from the mediacapture-main spec.

If this achieves consensus, we will merge the PR for removing
"onoverconstrained" [2] after suitable review.

Please reply to this message, without changing the subject line, with

* I support removing "onoverconstrained"

* I oppose removing "onoverconstrained"

and, if applicable, reasons why.

If you wish to reply to a response to this message in order to state
your position, remember to explictly include your own position in your

If you wish to follow up on the thread for any other reason, please
change the subject, so that it is possible to tell responses from
discussion of other matters.

Harald, for the chairs



Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2019 08:15:35 UTC