Re: Getting rid of SDP

Where do things provided by RTCP, such as statistics, notification of lost
frames, new I-frame requests, fit in this proposal?


Roman Shpount

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 2:43 PM, Cullen Jennings (fluffy) <>

> SDP is really awful - encoding SDP as parsed JSON does not help much. What
> we need to do to greatly simplify things is get rid of SDP. The offer
> answer is really complicated for modern systems that have more uniform
> capabilities so I would like to get rid of offer answer too. To simplify
> all the control, I think one needs to also simplify STUN, TURN, ICE, RTP,
> and SRTP.
> I wrote a draft outlining that - it is at:
> it is being discussed on the email list ( you can join
> at Glad to get PR at
> Love to get feedback in general and also on how this, or parts of it,
> would be a good way to go for the next version of WebRTC
> Thanks, Cullen

Received on Monday, 5 March 2018 22:35:00 UTC