- From: Göran Eriksson AP <goran.ap.eriksson@ericsson.com>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 10:51:53 +0000
- To: "Cullen Jennings (fluffy)" <fluffy@cisco.com>
- CC: "public-webrtc@w3.org" <public-webrtc@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <D51724A8-C82D-4D38-9F96-B865868CA354@ericsson.com>
On 2018-01-26, 19:17, "Cullen Jennings (fluffy)" <fluffy@cisco.com<mailto:fluffy@cisco.com>> wrote: · Support for Machine Intelligence in Web Apps- both actuation and training of models for “smart web apps” are interesting- for instance accessing streams in service worker for NLP/Object recognition, etc. Much can be done but I expect polishing and also security to become even more relevant than. I’d love to hear more about this - not sure what you mean Hi Cullen! Tnx for asking, ☺ (Minor correction in my original text: I meant to write “Much can be done using existing API’s to get started but…” and “…security to become more relevant than before”.) So I understand there is a certain amount of speculation (and hand waiving) in this but if we look 5 year forward, (machine intelligence) machine learning and AI will have developed considerable from today, as it has the last few years, with not only speech controlled app launching but also chatbots involved in the conversation for example, chatbot. Since it took 5+ years to take the WebRTC API, and API’s it leverages, to where it is today, I consider looking ahead and beyond the current API to be a prudent thing as we nail down the charter. It would of course be ideal had we had this discussion before, and a TPAC session would have been a nice context, but next TPAC is in the Summer and I guess we’ll settle the charter well before that. Hope that helped! Best Regards Göran
Received on Monday, 29 January 2018 10:52:24 UTC