On 12/01/2018 13:01, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> To summarize: The current issue with ICE Lite is that it's not needed
> for the browser (ICE controlling) to provide the remote with the
> browser *internally* and *dynamically* generated tokens (such as the
> ice-ufrag). With my proposal above, this would change so the JS should
> always signal its local ice-ufrag to the remote (otherwise ICE
> responses would be discarded). And for that, the JS must send it via
> HTTP/WebSocket, so habemus CSP rules to block them.
As I already pointed out in the issue, it is possible to leak small
amounts of data just with:
var pc= new RTCPeerConnection({"iceServers":[{"urls":["turn:"],"username":"_all_your_data_belongs_to_us","credential":"."}]});
Event it could be possible to send back data via de candidate info (at a
much lower rate).
So using that, you could still be able to exchange ice-ufrag/pwd and
establish the datachannel with full-ice.
Best regards