Re: A proposal for returning STUN/TURN server errors to applications

>> I'm expecting apps to use getStats to find out the candidate pair / type
>> of connection actually used.
>> So requiring them to use getStats in the case of failure does not seem to
>> increase complexity that much.
> Would you expect to find failed candidates in stats? I guess we could do
> that, but we'd have to add a new stats object for failed candidates.

I would not expect those candidates in stats.

I was thinking of candidate pairs (RTCIceCandidatePairStats, 
conn-audio-X in chrome?). If I had a way to associate them with an 
iceServer uri (via the localCandidateId) I could determine that/if any 
server had no associated candidates. That's a little awkward though.

Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 14:19:14 UTC