Re: DataChannel: how to know the max size of the sending buffer?

I would find it better that process gets blocked until the buffer gets
some space available (it's said, it has send something), or raise an
error or throw an exception but NO close the channel... Too much
agressive to my taste, specially without being able to know how to
preven it...

2014-05-07 17:19 GMT+02:00 Iñaki Baz Castillo <>:
> Hi, according to the spec (and this is the same for WebSocket):
> "if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to be buffered
> but the buffer is full, the user agent must abruptly close channel’s
> underlying data transport with an error."
> OK, I can check the current buffered data size via
> socket.bufferedAmount. But, how may I know the buffer value that would
> cause send() to fail *without* calling send()?
> If the buffer size is not standardized, shouldn't the API provide a getter?
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Iñaki Baz Castillo
> <>

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Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2014 15:29:24 UTC