Re: RTCDataChannel characteristics and failures -API description

On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Gunnar Hellstrom <> wrote:

> On 2014-01-24 07:48, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
>> On 2014-01-09 11:39, Michael Tuexen wrote:
>>> I just realise that maxRetransmitTime, since this time does not limit the time spent
>>> on retransmissions, but it limits the lifetime of the message. So a name lime
>>> maxLifeTime or so makes more sense.
>> In this case, maxLifeTime seem like a more descriptive name.
>> I'll edit that into the spec if no one has any strong objections.
>> /Adam
> It is still a parameter for the transport layer, right?
> So, it means: If this message is not successfully transmitted within the maxLifeTime time interval, then it may be dropped from the transmission queue.
> And it is not an application level parameter.
> So it does not mean for the receiver: "Do not use this message after the maxLifeTime has expired"
The receiver doesn't know about this value.
> If you agree, please make that distinction clear in your edit.
... by using something like
"... or set a time during which transmissions and
retransmissions are allowed (maxLifeTime)".

Best regards
> /Gunnar

Received on Friday, 24 January 2014 09:31:05 UTC