Fwd: What is missing for building "real" services?

> I agree about workers, while webworkers probably won't work since destroyed while page is reloaded , it makes sense to check other workers if they are suitable to maintain PeerConnection or DataChannel in background between page reloads on the same website.

Obiously SharedWorkers and ServiceWorkers will be the ones that better
would benefict of having support for PeerConnection objects because
they can have them open between page reloads, but standard WebWorkers
can benefict from them too, for example in games doing P2P
comunications with another peers in background without interfere the
main process, leaving it just for sound and graphics.

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 17:38:48 UTC