Re: Wiki update (Re: stats api webidl implementers feedback)

One more: you probably want to use the lowercasenospacesordashes name 
convention here too:

   enum RTCStatsIceCandidateType {
-  "server-reflexive",
-  "peer-reflexive",
+  "serverreflexive",
+  "peerreflexive",

.: Jan-Ivar :.

On 10/24/13 2:21 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> I've updated with most of 
> the suggestions, and a few other fiddles. It should also be easy 
> (easier?) now to generate WebIDL from the source; just take the 
> content of all the <pre> sections.
> I also made all the byte counters "long long"; we've found that 32-bit 
> byte counters overflow rapidly.
> Thanks very much for the feedback!

Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 18:01:32 UTC