We are investigating use of MediaStreamTrack as an argument to postMessage.
Not sure how easily that will generalize to other objects.
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:41 AM, piranna@gmail.com <piranna@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Since getUserMedia is only available on navigator, which is not
> available to
> > WebWorkers, this depends on having the ability to send MediaStreams
> and/or
> > MediaStreamTracks to WebWorkers (I think Stefan had a proposal for doing
> > that earlier).
> >
> Obviously, getUserMedia() can't (and never should) have direct access
> from WebWorkers, but passing a MediaStream object between main thread
> and WebWorkers using postMessage() would be feasable.
> > Are there other dependencies that have to be resolved?
> >
> PeerConnection object alone with MediaStreams and DataChannels (no
> other things like getUserMedia() and so) would be enough, I believe.
> --
> "Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un
> monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
> Unix."
> – Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux