Re: Client/server (non-p2p) video

> The abstraction there is great, but from my understanding all the pieces weren't available yet for a one-to-many server using WebSockets - at least in any way that's not just using javascript to capture and send individual frames.
I have work with getUserMedia myself, I've been focusing on
DataChannels, sorry... :-(

> I'm more looking for the ability to do compressed streaming to a server. Currently the only way I can see this happening is to write a server that pretends to be a peer for WebRTC.
Why this would be bad? There are WebRTC libraries for Node.js, for example...

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Saturday, 30 March 2013 23:41:13 UTC