URL.createObjectURL() for DataChannels

With URL.createObjectURL() you can create a temporal URL for example
from a getUserMedia() video and attach it to a <video> tag, or you can
use it with a Javascript fragment of code inside a Blob object and
give it to an inline WebWorker (also from inside a file:// scheme).

My idea is to be able to do the same but with WebRTC DataChannels.
This way, they could be accesed using an iframe location or similar
(also a <video> tag if required) using nested URLs this way:

iframe.location = "http:blob:<random-blob-UUID>/index.html"

This would allow literally surf over webpages hosted on the other peer
or whatever other thing you can do with a normal URL on the browser
without needing to reimplement them, just changing the TCP/HTTP
transport for the datachannel itself, and also maybe it would be
integrated directly on the browser (via plugin?) so it would run on
the main document setting that URL directly in the URL address bar.

For security, it would be required that only connect to DataChannels
whose protocol attribute is set and it's equal to the scheme we are
trying to use on it.

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Monday, 15 July 2013 09:33:29 UTC