Nullable interface members (which cannot be initialized to null by the script)


We have a few cases in the spec where interfaces have nullable 
attributes, but the dictionaries used to initiate these attributes don't 
have nullable types for the corresponding dictionary members.

I guess the platform could create an object by bypassing the dictionary 
(and set a value of null), but I think that should be an exception.

Looking at the first one - I don't think we want a MediaStreamEvent with 
a null-MediaStream that would need a not-null-check before it can be 
used. Are any of the other motivated or should I remove the "?" from the 
attributes from all of them?


dictionary MediaStreamEventInit : EventInit {
     MediaStream stream;

[ Constructor (DOMString type, MediaStreamEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface MediaStreamEvent : Event {
     readonly    attribute MediaStream? stream;


dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit {
     RTCSdpType type;
     DOMString  sdp;

[ Constructor (optional RTCSessionDescriptionInit descriptionInitDict)]
interface RTCSessionDescription {
                 attribute RTCSdpType? type;
                 attribute DOMString?  sdp;
     serializer = {attribute};


dictionary RTCIceCandidateInit {
     DOMString      candidate;
     DOMString      sdpMid;
     unsigned short sdpMLineIndex;

[ Constructor (optional RTCIceCandidateInit candidateInitDict)]
interface RTCIceCandidate {
                 attribute DOMString?      candidate;
                 attribute DOMString?      sdpMid;
                 attribute unsigned short? sdpMLineIndex;
     serializer = {attribute};

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 10:11:58 UTC