Re: Non-browser interop

On 10/12/2011 02:17 AM, Shaun Crampton wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve been experimenting with non-browser webRTC interop (trying to get a
> PeerConnection-using browser to talk to some other device via my server)
> using Ericsson's demo browser. The biggest hurdle I’ve hit so far is
> that there doesn’t seem to be any way to turn off negotiation of the
> “text” channel, which occurs before negotiation of the audio/video
> channel that I’m expecting. I guess I can negotiate a black hole address
> for the text or similar but that feels like a hack.
> Is that text channel necessary? Is it safe to send it into a black hole,
> or does the PeerConnection use it for signalling or something?

It's safe to redirect it to a black hole.

> I can see that the channel might be useful for sending timely
> app-specific data along with the media but it feels wrong to negotiate
> it even if it’s not needed. For my application, it’d be better if I
> could say upfront that I want to negotiate a PeerConnection with only
> the given list of streams.

If you create a PeerConnection object and do your addStream-calls in the 
same main loop iteration you will get one signaling message with offers 
for the data channel and the other media. You can simply remove the 
lines related to the data channel and it will go away.


Received on Thursday, 13 October 2011 10:19:18 UTC