[mediacapture-automation] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[mediacapture-fromelement] Address information leak of :visited styles and disclosure of shadow DOM contents (#69)
[mediacapture-fromelement] Pull Request: Upgrade automatic TR publication
[mediacapture-image] Does ImageCapture work on non-camera tracks? (#272)
[mediacapture-image] How to avoid wide-lens backfacing camera on new phones? (#255)
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Replace PTZ boolean normalization with boolean constraints
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Upgrade automatic GH pages update
[mediacapture-image] Replace PTZ boolean normalization with boolean constraints (#271)
[mediacapture-insertable-streams] Add a high-quality face/body tracking API to discourage poor/discriminatory implementations (#1)
[mediacapture-insertable-streams] Is Phase 2 (ProcessingMediaStreamTrack) really needed? (#2)
[mediacapture-main] Add semantics choice to getUserMedia() for in-browser picker. (#667)
[mediacapture-main] Broken foreground detection (#752)
[mediacapture-main] Can IDL typedef for MediaStreamError be (DOMException or OverconstrainedError)? (#484)
[mediacapture-main] Clarify when to fire devicechange event for changes of device capabilities (#730)
[mediacapture-main] Do we need an infrared constraint? (#744)
[mediacapture-main] Editorial: "muted" attribute refers to itself (#754)
[mediacapture-main] enumerateDevices should only provide device info permission for granted device types (#645)
[mediacapture-main] error message may require language/direction metadata (#673)
[mediacapture-main] getSupportedConstraints is not prescribing any mandatory to implement constraints (#732)
[mediacapture-main] Make fitness distance a SHOULD instead of MAY on device selection, … (#736)
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by henbos
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by jan-ivar
[mediacapture-main] Only reveal labels of devices user has given permission to (#640)
[mediacapture-main] Origin isolation (#529)
[mediacapture-main] OverconstrainedError extends DOMException + algo fixes (#746)
[mediacapture-main] Privacy indicator false-to-true transition SHOULD be 3 seconds. (#734)
[mediacapture-main] Provide guidance on potential device label sanitization (#747)
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Adapt GitHub CI to platform change
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Add permission revocation algorithm
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Align terminology to User Agent
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Improve respec autolinks and mark events as such
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: OverconstrainedError extends DOMException + algo fixes
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: s/current settings object/relevant settings object/
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version
[mediacapture-main] relevant or current settings object for fully active tests? (#748)
[mediacapture-main] Should enumerateDevices by default return an empty list? (#646)
[mediacapture-main] Specify a way for WebDriver to add/remove/setup capture devices (#554)
[mediacapture-main] Update to latest ReSpec version (#738)
[mediacapture-output] Behavior when device changes (#88)
[mediacapture-output] Controlling 3rd party iframe audio output on a page? (#63)
[mediacapture-output] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[mediacapture-output] Normative reference to HTML 5.2 should be changed to HTML LS (#82)
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Set up for autopublication as CR drafts via Echidna
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Use respec autolinks where possible
[mediacapture-output] Selecting audio output in case device info permission is not granted (#83)
[mediacapture-output] Should the spec define specific static audio output device IDs (#93)
[mediacapture-record] Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification (#207)
[mediacapture-record] MediaRecorder in detached contexts (#206)
[mediacapture-record] More information about timing of recording (start event, blob event, stop event) (#208)
[mediacapture-record] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Update WebIDL fragments to use undefined instead of void
[mediacapture-screen-share] Add getCurrentBrowsingContextMedia (#148)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Customize selection of display surface (#151)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Adopt more automatic links
[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Upgrade automatic TR publication
[mst-content-hint] Change "speechRecognition" to "speech-recognition" (#48)
[mst-content-hint] Pull Request: Upgrade automatic TR publication set up
[webrtc-extensions] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#54)
[webrtc-extensions] Define administratively prohibited in more detail (#53)
[webrtc-extensions] Invalid TURN credentials: What function should fail? (#52)
[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: A couple of minor Respec fixes
[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Bring voiceActivityFlag from WebRTC 1.0
[webrtc-extensions] RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() may not return correct information in sync (#49)
[webrtc-ice] Migrate from WebIDL void to undefined (#38)
[webrtc-ice] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Additional space in the buffer (#6)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Consider using TransformStreams instead of exposing ReadableStream/WritableStream (#48)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Optimizing encoded frame buffer allocation and memory copies (#49)
[webrtc-pc] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#2460)
[webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate may not need to throw an error when no remoteDescription (#2519)
[webrtc-pc] Change RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText to errorText (#2611)
[webrtc-pc] Creation of MediaStreamTrack from raw PCM stream; Example 18 with a JSON file instead of messaging (#2570)
[webrtc-pc] Define administratively prohibited in more detail (#2598)
[webrtc-pc] Event for RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack (#2601)
[webrtc-pc] Fix RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText to match RTCPeerCon… (#2609)
[webrtc-pc] H (#2607)
[webrtc-pc] Improve markup for events definitions (#2595)
[webrtc-pc] Invalid TURN credentials: What function should fail? (#2593)
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by henbos
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Adapt GitHub CI to platform change
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Allow piggybacking getCapabilities on most recent offer or answer
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Change RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText to errorText
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText to match RTCPeerCon…
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Improve markup for events definitions
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove optional marker from overloaded version of setLocalDescription
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove voiceActivityFlag from spec
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Require scaleResolutionDownBy to be defined in setParameters
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Review test coverage of Chapter 8: Statistics Model
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: s/current settings object/relevant settings object/
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update map to IETF drafts
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version
[webrtc-pc] Remove optional marker from overloaded version of setLocalDescription (#2600)
[webrtc-pc] Review test coverage of Chapter 8: Statistics Model (#2599)
[webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent.errorText seems to correspond to RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText (#2603)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 23 November)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 23 November)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 23 November)
- youennf via GitHub (Monday, 23 November)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Monday, 23 November)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Thursday, 19 November)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 19 November)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 19 November)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 19 November)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 19 November)
[webrtc-pc] Update map to IETF drafts (#2594)
[webrtc-pc] Use relevant settings object instead of current settings object (#2604)
[webrtc-pc] Use VP9 when only receiving video (#2592)
[webrtc-pc] W (#2606)
[webrtc-priority] Improve explainer according to TAG question (#17)
[webrtc-priority] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m
[webrtc-stats] sdmFmtpLine value space (#588)
[webrtc-stats] sdpFmtpLine value space (#588)
[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Upgrade automatic TR publication
[webrtc-svc] TAG feedback (#42)
Closed: [mediacapture-fromelement] Address information leak of :visited styles and disclosure of shadow DOM contents (#69)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Can IDL typedef for MediaStreamError be (DOMException or OverconstrainedError)? (#484)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Clarify when to fire devicechange event for changes of device capabilities (#730)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] error message may require language/direction metadata (#673)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] getSupportedConstraints is not prescribing any mandatory to implement constraints (#732)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Make fitness distance a SHOULD instead of MAY on device delection. (#735)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Move permissions algorithms back to getUserMedia spec (#439)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Only reveal labels of devices user has given permission to (#640)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] OverconstrainedError should be a DOMException (#568)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Provide guidelines to persist capture transition indicators for long enough (#724)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] relevant or current settings object for fully active tests? (#748)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Specify a way for WebDriver to add/remove/setup capture devices (#554)
Closed: [mediacapture-output] Behavior when device changes (#88)
Closed: [mediacapture-output] Normative reference to HTML 5.2 should be changed to HTML LS (#82)
Closed: [mediacapture-output] Selecting audio output in case device info permission is not granted (#83)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] TAG review (#59)
Closed: [mst-content-hint] speechRecognition should be "speech-recognition" (#46)
Closed: [webrtc-ice] IDL errors in spec (#35)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#2460)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Creation of MediaStreamTrack from raw PCM stream; Example 18 with a JSON file instead of messaging (#2570)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Event for RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack (#2601)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent.errorText seems to correspond to RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit.statusText (#2603)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Test coverage chapter 8: Statistics model (#2466)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Use VP9 when only receiving video (#2592)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] What happens if you make values undefined in setParameters? (#2556)
Closed: [webrtc-svc] TAG feedback (#42)
Last message date: Monday, 30 November 2020 20:44:03 UTC