[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: Use ReSpec auto-config for WG data
[mediacapture-fromelement] Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification (#87)
[mediacapture-fromelement] Pull Request: Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification
[mediacapture-fromelement] Pull Request: Use autolinks from ReSpec where possible
[mediacapture-fromelement] Use autolinks from ReSpec where possible (#88)
[mediacapture-image] "Tap to auto-focus" feature (#217)
[mediacapture-image] Add explainer for MediaStream-ImageCapture spec. (#241)
[mediacapture-image] Add image quality member to PhotoSettings dictionary (#186)
[mediacapture-image] Add security-privacy-questionnaire.md (#242)
[mediacapture-image] Add support to get and set desired image format (#185)
[mediacapture-image] Add tag-security-privacy.md (#205)
[mediacapture-image] Allow UA to always expose PTZ capabilities (#251)
[mediacapture-image] Clarify meaning of PTZ constraints presence (#256)
[mediacapture-image] Clarify pan/tilt/zoom capabilities (#245) (#250)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Eero Häkkinen via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- Eero Häkkinen via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
[mediacapture-image] Clarify pan/tilt/zoom capabilities and settings (#245) (#248)
[mediacapture-image] Clarify pan/tilt/zoom settings (#245) (#249)
[mediacapture-image] Determine how PTZ permission prompts are supposed to work (#243)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Friday, 21 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- Reilly Grant via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- guidou via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- Rijubrata Bhaumik via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Friday, 7 August)
- Rijubrata Bhaumik via GitHub (Friday, 7 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
[mediacapture-image] Document OverConstrainedError for PTZ in explainer (#229)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Monday, 31 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Monday, 31 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Monday, 31 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Friday, 28 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Friday, 28 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Friday, 28 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
[mediacapture-image] Enforcing user gesture for getUserMedia in case of PTZ request (#254)
[mediacapture-image] Extend getPhotoSettings() to include additional EXIF data (#209)
[mediacapture-image] Fix arc second range presentations (#247)
[mediacapture-image] How to avoid wide-lens backfacing camera on new phones? (#255)
[mediacapture-image] Ignore PTZ request if no PTZ camera (#246)
[mediacapture-image] new commits pushed by riju
[mediacapture-image] Point to public-webrtc (#201)
[mediacapture-image] Provide API for getting / setting metadata (#154)
[mediacapture-image] Provide way to get / set captured image format (#162)
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Add explainer for MediaStream-ImageCapture spec.
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Add security-privacy-questionnaire.md
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Allow UA to always expose PTZ capabilities
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Clarify pan/tilt/zoom capabilities (#245)
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Clarify pan/tilt/zoom capabilities and settings (#245)
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Clarify pan/tilt/zoom settings (#245)
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Fix arc second range presentations
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Fixed JS example
[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Update examples using modern JS.
[mediacapture-image] Sanitize PTZ capabilities/settings based on PTZ permission (#245)
[mediacapture-image] Sort out fingerprint surface (#198)
[mediacapture-image] Stop referring `advanced` constraints (#252)
[mediacapture-image] Stop referring to `advanced` constraints (#252)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Monday, 31 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 August)
- Reilly Grant via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Reilly Grant via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
- François Beaufort via GitHub (Monday, 24 August)
[mediacapture-image] Transferable? (#211)
[mediacapture-image] Update examples using modern JS. (#253)
[mediacapture-image] Use partial MediaStreamTrack instead of separate ImageCapture interface (#142)
[mediacapture-main] #632 broke ability for site to say "give me first device" even in Firefox (#649)
[mediacapture-main] [Feature] registerStream(deviceId = '0', stream = MediaStream) (#712)
[mediacapture-main] applying constraints on an ended track (#628)
[mediacapture-main] Broken links in section 13 to permissions policy (#713)
[mediacapture-main] Bug in spec: circular dependency for enumerateDevices() (#709)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- hills via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- Philipp Hancke via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- youennf via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Tuesday, 4 August)
- hills via GitHub (Monday, 3 August)
[mediacapture-main] Can IDL typedef for MediaStreamError be (DOMException or OverconstrainedError)? (#484)
[mediacapture-main] enumerateDevices() should print correct MediaDeviceInfo (#693)
[mediacapture-main] Extend enumerateDevices algorithm to handle non camera and microphone devices (#718)
[mediacapture-main] Identify the list of allowed required constraints for getUserMedia (#707)
[mediacapture-main] Implementers must not refuse to open sources set as default at the machine: "DOMException: Could not start audio source" is not in the specification (#708)
[mediacapture-main] Is enumerateDevices list order significant? (#608)
[mediacapture-main] Is onended event only applicable to a MediaStreamTrack from getUserMedia()? (#710)
[mediacapture-main] MediaStreamTrack resizeMode constraint is too vague to request specific strategy (#702)
[mediacapture-main] Move permissions algorithms back to getUserMedia spec (#439)
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by aboba
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by jan-ivar
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Extend enumerateDevices algorithm to handle non camera and microphone devices
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Fix definitions ReSpec no longer finds
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Make it clear that User Agent can use another track in the allowed track set if some of the tracks fail.
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Upgrade ReSpec and other editorial fixes
[mediacapture-main] respec errors (#715)
[mediacapture-main] Support capturing audio output from sound card (#629)
[mediacapture-main] What happens for live tracks in case permission is revoked (#711)
[mediacapture-output] API to request audio output device selection (#86)
[mediacapture-output] Behavior when audio device is changed by user-agent (#100)
[mediacapture-output] Directing Web Speech API audio to a specific output device? (#102)
[mediacapture-output] Do we prompt if there's only one audio output device to select? (#103)
[mediacapture-output] Fix permissionstate link (#106)
[mediacapture-output] Is selectAudioOutput intended to capture audio output or route microphone capture to an output device? (#101)
[mediacapture-output] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Add an algorithm to expose audio output devices through enumerateDevices
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Add deviceId option to selectAudioOutput()
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Fix permissionstate link
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Reference webidl properly to fix respec errors.
[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Use respec autolinks
[mediacapture-output] Reference webidl properly to fix respec errors. (#110)
[mediacapture-output] Revamp integration with user activation (#107)
[mediacapture-output] Web pages might want to easily set a speaker setup previously used (#99)
[mediacapture-screen-share] allow getDisplayMedia "granted" permission to persist during the user session (#144)
[mediacapture-screen-share] capture screenshot of DOM (#145)
[mediacapture-screen-share] ensure that a tab selected by the user is what an app really supposed to share (#143)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Use respec auto link features
[mst-content-hint] Change "speechRecognition" to "speech-recognition" (#48)
[mst-content-hint] Pull Request: Change "speechRecognition" to "speech-recognition"
[mst-content-hint] Pull Request: Improve respec autolinking
[mst-content-hint] speechRecognition should be "speech-recognition" (#46)
[mst-content-hint] Why are arbitrary values disallowed for hints? (#47)
[webrtc-extensions] Consider an API for non-delivered messages in SCTP datachannels (#50)
[webrtc-extensions] restricting available media types in the constructor (#48)
[webrtc-extensions] RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() may not return correct information in sync (#49)
[webrtc-ice] Pull Request: Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification
[webrtc-ice] Pull Request: Migrate from WebIDL void to undefined
[webrtc-identity] Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification (#32)
[webrtc-identity] new commits pushed by martinthomson
[webrtc-identity] Pull Request: Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Does Chromium require anything in SDP or RTP Header to make this work? (#37)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] E2e framing (#39)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] expose RTCEncoded(Audio|Video)Frame on workers? (#25)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] https://alvestrand.github.io/webrtc-media-streams/ is 404 (#42)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Is there a flag that only switches on insertable streams api? (#45)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[webrtc-insertable-streams] new commits pushed by guidou
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Off-the-main thread processing by default (#18)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Piping capured audio to insertable stream from shell script (#41)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Editorial: Align with Web IDL specification
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Substitute readble for readableStream, writable for writableStream
[webrtc-insertable-streams] Set up repo as W3C repo of WG spec (#36)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] What about simulcast? (#4)
[webrtc-insertable-streams] { readableStream, writableStream } should be { readable, writable } (#40)
- guest271314 via GitHub (Friday, 21 August)
- Domenic Denicola via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- guidou via GitHub (Thursday, 20 August)
- Domenic Denicola via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Dan Sanders via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- guidou via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- Domenic Denicola via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- guidou via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- Domenic Denicola via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
[webrtc-pc] "Make tidy" is missing (#2558)
[webrtc-pc] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#2460)
[webrtc-pc] Can we have non-origin-clean MediaStreamTracks? (#2397)
[webrtc-pc] Creation of MediaStreamTrack from raw PCM stream; Example 18 with a JSON file instead of messaging (#2570)
[webrtc-pc] Fix indenting (#2569)
[webrtc-pc] Make the set of transports for a PC obvious (#2563)
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 August)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 August)
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add github action to tidy the spec
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix indenting
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Upgrade WebIDL to use undefined instead of void
[webrtc-pc] restricting available media types in the constructor (#2561)
[webrtc-pc] RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() may not return correct information in sync (#2539)
[webrtc-pc] Should stopping the bundle-owning transceiver kill datachannels? (#2562)
[webrtc-pc] Update Perfect Negotiation example to have the boolean required to pass it (#2566)
[webrtc-pc] Update Perfect Negotiation example with the right error code (#2398)
[webrtc-pc] Update to latest ReSpec version (#2559)
[webrtc-pc] What happens if you make values undefined in setParameters? (#2556)
[webrtc-pc] What is the behavior when the RTP extension for rotation is sent? (#2483)
[webrtc-pc] What reasons for silent audio tracks from remote streams? (#2564)
[webrtc-priority] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-stats] add a graph showing the relationship of stats to the spec (#348)
[webrtc-stats] Add appendix with flattened stats hierarchies? (#577)
[webrtc-stats] Add Henrik to the editor list (#579)
[webrtc-stats] Define reception time for jitterBufferDelay stat (#549)
[webrtc-stats] description of when roundTripTimeMeasurements increments is wrong (#515)
[webrtc-stats] End-to-end delay metrics (#537)
[webrtc-stats] Finding associated audio and video tracks? (#574)
[webrtc-stats] Flatten the stats hierarchy (#533)
[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m
[webrtc-stats] playout delay (#568)
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Generate appendix with flatten hierarchy of stats
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Use new respec profile
[webrtc-svc] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#22)
[webrtc-svc] new commits pushed by aboba
[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Upgrade to latest respec profile
Closed: [mediacapture-fromelement] Is mute event expected to be dispatched at MediaStreamTrack when enabled is set to false? (#80)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] "Tap to auto-focus" feature (#217)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Add image quality member to PhotoSettings dictionary (#186)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Discussion of "zoom" does not consider mechanical zoom timing (#126)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Fill Security & Privacy questionnaire #122 (#172)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Point to public-webrtc (#201)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Provide API for getting / setting metadata (#154)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Provide way to get / set captured image format (#162)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Sort out fingerprint surface (#198)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Update examples if and when using Constrainable Pattern modus operandi. (#148)
Closed: [mediacapture-image] Use partial MediaStreamTrack instead of separate ImageCapture interface (#142)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] #632 broke ability for site to say "give me first device" even in Firefox (#649)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] [Feature] registerStream(deviceId = '0', stream = MediaStream) (#712)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] applying constraints on an ended track (#628)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Broken links in section 13 to permissions policy (#713)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Bug in spec: circular dependency for enumerateDevices() (#709)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Implementers must not refuse to open sources set as default at the machine: "DOMException: Could not start audio source" is not in the specification (#708)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Is enumerateDevices list order significant? (#608)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Is onended event only applicable to a MediaStreamTrack from getUserMedia()? (#710)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] respec errors (#715)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] What happens for live tracks in case permission is revoked (#711)
Closed: [mediacapture-output] Is selectAudioOutput intended to capture audio output or route microphone capture to an output device? (#101)
Closed: [mediacapture-output] Web pages might want to easily set a speaker setup previously used (#99)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] Input video track width and height MUST be recorded and playable (#173)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] Is applying sampleRate constraint to audio MediaStreamTrack before start() is called specified to directly set audio_sampling_frequency of audio track in resulting WebM file output by MediaRecorder? (#176)
Closed: [webrtc-insertable-streams] https://alvestrand.github.io/webrtc-media-streams/ is 404 (#42)
Closed: [webrtc-insertable-streams] Is there a flag that only switches on insertable streams api? (#45)
Closed: [webrtc-insertable-streams] Off-the-main thread processing by default (#18)
Closed: [webrtc-insertable-streams] What about simulcast? (#4)
Closed: [webrtc-insertable-streams] { readableStream, writableStream } should be { readable, writable } (#40)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] "Make tidy" is missing (#2558)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Add portscanning warning to the spec (#2518)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Should stopping the bundle-owning transceiver kill datachannels? (#2562)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Update Perfect Negotiation example with the right error code (#2398)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Use of icecandidateerror in port scanning (#2426)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] What is the behavior when the RTP extension for rotation is sent? (#2483)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] What reasons for silent audio tracks from remote streams? (#2564)
Closed: [webrtc-stats] description of when roundTripTimeMeasurements increments is wrong (#515)
Last message date: Monday, 31 August 2020 20:38:47 UTC