Re: Automatic conversion to WebIDL contiguous mode

On 08/01/2016 16:25, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> On 08/01/2016 12:12, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>> I'm much in favor of switching. I'd like to understand what the pain
>> points are likely to be (if any); what Dom is describing sounds like a
>> miracle (if the only effect is a shorter ToC, let's Just Do It).
> So I have almost everything lined up for the migration; but it won't be
> possible until two bugs in WebIDL contiguous gets fixed:
> Hopefully I'll think of some fixes for these next week, but the bugs
> aren't trivial to fix unfortunately.

I have lined up all the pull requests to ReSpec that allows us to 
migrate, in particular:

Hopefully they'll get merged soon.

> I think it would be useful to take advantage of that delay to discuss
> other systematic changes we would like to make during the transition;
> I'm happy to join the editors call next week to discuss this if that's
> the best way to make progress on this.


Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 09:07:40 UTC