- From: Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no>
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:39:04 +0100
- To: "public-webrtc-editors@w3.org" <public-webrtc-editors@w3.org>
Overarching items: - Publication methods. It seems that echidna wants to do away with not only the WD/ED distinction, but even with the ED/tip-of-tree distinction (publish new WD every time we commit to tree). Is this correct, and do we want to strive for it? (Yesterday, philipj spent extra time being confused because we didn't). Endgame for mediacapture-main: Do we know of items that are outstanding but untracked? Mediacapture-Main: PRs: #307 Add text about Capabilities and features that can only in mo (adam-be) Any way to address Jan-Ivar's commentary? #313 Extend iframe with a new allowusermedia attribute (issue: #2 (adam-be) I think we should merge. (text nits) Issues: #268 Iframe sandboxing options for gUM (adam-be) - PR exists #296 How to handle known but unsupported constraints (adam-be) - PR exists #305 Use permissions API model for describing permissions? (alvestrand) - Waiting for mlamouri to respond to PR. Webrtc-PC: PRs: #317 Make RTCDataChannels Transferable (stefhak) LATER #434 Change setParameters call to be Async (aboba) Cullen is silent. What to do? Bernard, can we merge? #445 Make DataChannels Transferable and explain the implications (stefhak) LATER #463 Add more explicit language about transceivers, MIDs and roll (pthatcherg) Waiting for Peter. #466 Use an enum to describe directionality of RTP Stream (adam-be) #467 Use enum for voiceActivityDetection (adam-be) #471 Use enum for RTCDataChannel’s ordered attribute (adam-be) This is the "enum complex". Any list discussion generated? #475 Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver (pthatcherg) Peter? #489 getSenders/getReceivers: optional kind parameter () Suggest closing this as "won't do" (see #488 discussion) #494 proposed fix to issue #492 (adam-be) Hm. Jan-Ivar's commentary seems sensible for this one. Issues: See dashboard: https://www.w3.org/Tools/gh-dashboard/?repo=w3c%2Fwebrtc-pc&template=templates%2Flabel-state.html Selected items: Unassigned (2) [495] File a WebIDL issue to add the DOMException names WebRTC needs 0 comments - last update: a day ago - assignee: none [496] Certificate API: Do we need certificate introspection? 3 comments - last update: a day ago - assignee: none [142] "Hold" unspecified 13 comments - last update: 16 days ago - assignee: aboba Should we break this up? The problem seems unspecified itself.
Received on Thursday, 11 February 2016 12:39:40 UTC