Agenda, May 21, 2015

Action items:

- HTA: Follow up WebAudio group's issue (Discussion on list)
- Stefan: Follow up HTML 5.1 definition of direct assignment (new PR in

Overarching issues: Linkchecker is broken for IETF references. Dom can't
fix it this week; just comment out the linkchecker in travis.yml.

Media capture and streams
Pull requests - 4 open

- #165 defer to HTML5.1 for direct assigment - suggest close given #171
- #168 Distinguish between links to the active attribute and
active/inactive - Adam to take annevk's advice. Status?
- #170 new error objects. Dan, status?
- #171 Referring to HTML 5.1 - stefan will present

Issues - 7 open

- #118 Practical algorithm - add as appendix? Discuss on list?
- #127 Cancellation of a GUM future - awaiting others' solutions
- #157 naming of enumerateDevices - no action
- #159 Active attribute - see PR #168
- #161 Remove "Direct assigment" - see PR #171
- #162 MediaStreamError should not be an interface - see PR #170
- #163 Please use [Exposed] - list discussion, but no consensus to
change from previous decision. Adam, status?

Last Call comments - 19 open, 13 have no proposed resolution listed

Want to have proposed resolutions by Friday if possible. Missing:
- LC-3026 Internationalization of "label"
- LC-3021 Constraint specification - assigned to Dan - suggest better
- LC-3022 Latency constraint - assigned to pthatcher
- LC-3017 MediaStreamError - assigned to Dan
- LC-3027 Internationalization of Error's "message" - assigned to Harald
- LC-3025 onaddtrack firing when you call AddTrack - assigned to Adam -
suggest no change
- LC-3023 more info on audio devices - assigned to Harald
- LC-3010 Rename enumerateDevices - assigned to Harald
- LC-3024 Remove registry - assigned to Dan - suggest "no consensus to
- LC-3012 active attribute - assigned to Adam
- LC-3011 Tamper-free language - assigned to Adam - suggest "we have fixed"
- LC-3014 remove "detach from source" - assigned to Adam - suggest "we
have fixed"
- LC-3019 WebIDL errors - assigned to Dan

Pull requests
- #29 mediadiscarded - stefan, any response from Martin?
- #195 replaceTrack - Stefan, status?
- #214 Certificate management API - I think this is baked enough for
- #215 Expiring certificates - would be happier if there had been
discussion on the list.
- #220 Muted state - Adam, WDYT? Addressing Justin's comment?
- #222 OPerations array -> promise-chain - seems to have mutated into
I-don't-know-what. Suggestions?
- #225 Pending and current SDP - Adam, status? (Jan-Ivar has opinons
about naming....)
- #228 QoS API (really priority API) - Dom has added references. Merge?


- How can we bash these? (again: Not today....)

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 21:18:58 UTC