HTTP documentation

Recently, I've been contributing to the HTTP documentation. I realize it
isn't an area of focus, but it's something especially relevant to my work
and I'd like to see all my technical references in one place, so I've been
writing up anything I find useful.

I'd like to see documentation of HTTP about the headers, with information

* Summary/definition
* Syntax
* Examples
* References
* User agent/server/service usage, compatibility tables

These pages would also be linked to from wherever it's relevant, e.g. CORS,

Would there be any problem with me creating [[Category:HTTP Header]],
templates, and a Semantic Mediawiki edit form?

In addition to the per-header pages, I'm thinking of some documentation
split up by functionality that is commonly used/implemented. I've written
most of and I just
added a list of pages that people would hopefully find useful, things like
"Caching", "Access control", and "Content negotiation". Assuming this is a
good idea, can someone verify that it matches the page naming scheme we
have going?


Austin Wright.

Received on Friday, 26 September 2014 22:51:23 UTC