Re: Doodle poll for weekly content-wrangling meeting on IRC!

It's the WPD Wednesday meeting that we're talking about on the other thread
"CSS or bust???" But it sound like you, Scott, and Doug are able to do
Wednesdays. I am too. So I'll update the poll to just Wednesday.


From:  Eliot Graff <>
Date:  Friday, May 3, 2013 8:21 AM
To:  julee <>, ""
Subject:  RE: Doodle poll for weekly content-wrangling meeting on IRC!

Hi Julee.
Iım a little unclear about the goals for this weekly meeting. Can you give
me a few more details?

From: Julee Burdekin []
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2013 10:21 PM
Subject: Doodle poll for weekly content-wrangling meeting on IRC!

Hi, everyone:


I've set up a doodle poll to get the best time for a weekly
content-wrangling meeting on the #webplatform IRC channel.


Currently all times are Pacific Daylight Times, because we have a couple of
West coasters who are willing to act as facilitators.


If you're interested in joining us on a regular basis ‹ especially if you're
new to WebPlatform or you can help facilitate ‹ please fill out the poll:


Looking forward to seeing you there!





Received on Friday, 3 May 2013 15:40:17 UTC