Press/Blogger kit

Hello all, 

I was browsing the website searching for a good description for the WebPlatform project and it appears that I didn't find any content ready for press and/or blogger to use if they want to write a few lines or more about WebPlatform. 

I think, it would be great to have a page in the wiki to make their work easier and to help them spread our project. A content like this could be useful for the community too. It could feature:

- 3 WebPlatform descriptions
	- 140: Quick description of the project, 
	- 300: Description featuring the w3c as a convener, 
	- 1 500: Featuring w3c and steward names and Docs Sprint. 
- Some ready to use images (Doc Sprints, Screenshots), 
- An extract of the Tim Berners-Lee interview with an authorized picture, 
- A three question interview from a steward, 
- A brief history of the project (past, present, future) 

Have a nice day! 

Seb Desbenoit 

Sébastien @Desbenoit - -

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 10:03:33 UTC