Draft for email to CSS folks

My first go at this:

Hi everyone,

I guess you’ve all heard about W3C’s effort along with all the big players of the Web to document the Open Web Platform in a community-driven, vendor-neutral way in webplatform.org.

Our CSS documentation has reached a point where we are comfortable with others using it as a reference and reviewing it. However, we know it could be improved a lot. So, we are writing to ask you for your feedback & review. If you could take a look at the pages around the CSS features you are most interested in and let us know of any feedback you have, that would be awesome. If you want to make edits to improve them first-hand, that would be even better but not required. In general, even if you spend fraction of your time on this, we are going to be very grateful and you will help materialize our vision for the best documentation on the Open Web Platform around. 

Thank you.

Please let me know if I left anything out! Can’t find the minutes of the last telcon to see if we mentioned anything specific that needs to be in there, and my memory is flaky.


Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 17:30:07 UTC