Re: TOC Sidebar Bug

Hi Doug,

Sorry for being away for a few hours today, it was my uncle’s birthday so we went for a small excursion and it ran later than expected.

Regarding the TOC, it didn't move back, my guess is that you’re viewing the site at a smaller resolution which makes it move inside the content area.


Lea Verou
W3C developer relations ✿ @leaverou

On Jul 23, 2013, at 20:05, Doug Schepers <> wrote:

> Hi, Lea–
> I noticed that the TOC sidebar, which we had moved into the gutter, is now back in the main content area.
> Can you figure out what went wrong, and fix it so it's back in the gutter area?
> Regards–
> –Doug

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2013 20:14:29 UTC