Page naming for MSDN JS import

This is the page naming plan for the MSDN JS imported web pages.

The converted wiki pages are ready for upload.  This plan describes
how they should be named.

Currently, the top-level hierarchy is:
* Objects
* Constants
* Properties
* Functions
* Methods
* Operators
* Statements
* Directives
* Errors
* Reserved Words
* Future Reserved Words

Within each hierarchy are kinds of each, like kinds of Objects or
kinds of Statements.

These pages listed below don't requre much discussion.  They can be
organized into subpages or incorporated into some subpage easily:

* "Directives" has a single directive subpage "use strict" which
should not be used.
* "Errors" has two subpages: "Run time" and "Syntax".
* "Reserved Words" is a single page that lists words that are already used.
* "Future Reserved Words" is a single page that lists words that might be used.

These pages with all their subpages are the main area of discussion.

* Objects
* Operators
* Statements

Each of these is described below.

If JavaScript had classes, the Objects hierarchy would represent it.
Instead, JavaScript only has notable Objects used mostly to create new
instances, such as creating a new Array.  Special objects like
"arguments" exist automatically inside a function.  Other special
objects are Function, Global, Object.

Subpages for the Array object, for example, describe each property,
function, method, or constant the Array object has:

* Array has three properties: constructor, length, and prototype.
* Array has one function: Array.isArray.
* Array has many methods: concat, every, filter, forEach, indexOf,
join, lastIndexOf, map,
pop, push, reduce, reduceRight, reverse, shift, slice, some, sort,
splice, toString,
unshift, and valueOf.
* Math has a constant Math.E.

Because of this, the current page naming plan is to call the Array
Object's constructor property: "Objects/Array/constructor Property".

To list what we are talking about, the list of all notable Objects are:

* ActiveXObject
* Array
* ArrayBuffer
* arguments
* Boolean
* DataView
* Date
* Debug
* Enumerator
* Error
* Float32Array
* Float64Array
* Function
* Global
* Int8Array
* Int16Array
* Int32Array
* Math
* Number
* Object
* RegExp
* Regular Expression
* String
* Uint8Array
* Uint16Array
* Uint32Array
* VBArray
* WinRTError

Operators have their own page and subpages as well.  The full list of pages are:

* Addition Assignment
* Addition
* Assignment
* Bitwise AND Assignment
* Bitwise AND
* Bitwise Left Shift
* Bitwise NOT
* Bitwise OR Assignment
* Bitwise OR
* Bitwise Right Shift
* Bitwise XOR Assignment
* Bitwise XOR
* Comma
* Comparison
* Compound Assignment
* Conditional Ternary
* delete
* Division Assignment
* Division
* in
* Increment and Decrement
* instanceof
* Left Shift Assignment
* Logical AND
* Logical NOT
* Logical OR
* Modulus Assignment
* Modulus
* Multiplication Assignment
* Multiplication
* new
* Right Shift Assignment
* Subtraction Assignment
* Subtraction
* typeof
* Unsigned Right Shift Assignment
* Unsigned Right Shift
* void

Statements each have their own page:

* break
* cc on
* Comment
* continue
* debugger
* do while
* for
* for in
* function
* if
* if else
* Labeled
* return
* set
* switch
* this
* throw
* try catch finally
* var
* while
* with

Now that we have full disclosure of what exists, discussion can begin
aiming at desired format of the page and subpage names.

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 17:50:29 UTC