- From: Scott Rowe <scottrowe@google.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 16:35:19 -0800
- To: "public-webplatform@w3.org" <public-webplatform@w3.org>, Janet Swisher <jswisher@mozilla.com>, Eliot Graff <Eliot.Graff@microsoft.com>
- Message-ID: <CAHZLcPomhtBG3t5dirdBpZRnfT7iLC4SAyWLyFvxriq1XSNSCw@mail.gmail.com>
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Lance Leonard <Lance.Leonard@microsoft.com> wrote: > Hi Scott and Janet, > > Since I’m new to WDP/IndexedDB party, would you mind helping me get caught > up? What’s next? When do we need it? Etc? > > ** > > I’ve already signed up on WPD (and Bugzilla) and started looking at the > various links earlier in the thread that Eliot brought me into. Is there > more homework/setting up that I need to do? **** > > Thanks in advance… > ** > > -- Lance > Hi Lance! The IndexedDB <http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/apis/indexeddb> content currently on WPD came from Microsoft (but you knew that). It needs considerable in-filling and reinforcement, as most of the pages are incomplete. The IndexedDB content has been nominated as the first of several APIs for which we are hoping to "borrow" content from the Mozilla Developer Network <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/IndexedDB> (MDN) under the larger API Docs Project<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Proposals/api_docs> . The reason we covet the MDN content is that it is very, very good; it has been vetted thoroughly by many experts close to the technology, and it is widely used by many other interested parties. Rather than reinvent the wheel, a tedious, time-consuming exercise that many of us would rather not have to repeat (speaking for myself as one of those who contributed to the IndexedDB content on MDN), we would like to bring this content into WPD. The IndexedDB content on MDN also provides us with an opportunity to build a bridge from the MDN to WPD. We'd like to have MDN community members participate in WPD, and we hope that those who have contributed to the IndexedDB content on MDN will continue to contribute to it on WPD. So, now to your question. The next steps involve getting permission from the authors of the IndexedDB content on MDN. This is necessary because MDN content is under a CC BY SA license, and copying it to WPD will effectively change the license under which the content is controlled because WPD's license is CC BY (no SA). While we're exploring ways to automate (if only partially) this process for other content from MDN, Janet Swisher and I are working on approaching the IndexedDB authors directly. This spreadsheet <http://goo.gl/RpHYQ>summarizes the pages and authors of MDN's IndexedDB content. We are concocting an e-mail that we will send to each author asking for permission. Once we have obtained the necessary permissions for a given article, we will be free to copy content from that article. As an expert in IndexedDB, you will have an opportunity to take this content and augment it further. If you would like to begin contributing your original content to the extant IndexedDB content on WPD, you should not hesitate! It would be great for you to get started as soon as possible. I suggest that you first get familiar with the API Docs Project<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Proposals/api_docs> and the guide to Creating API Pages<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Creating_API_pages>, as well as the extant IndexedDB<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/apis/indexeddb>content on WPD. There are a number of outstanding issues<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Proposals/api_docs#Templates_and_forms>around documenting APIs in WPD concerned with the templates and other mechanisms that need to be fixed. Moreover, we (me, Dave Gash<http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/User:Dgash>) continue to work on the API Project, albeit in a reduced capacity while we wait for the CSS Properties project to be completed, and refine the process so we can get others involved when they are available. With you coming on board now we can use you to review the project docs and methodology. Please have a look and report your findings, comments, and questions. Thanks for being the Guinea pig! Finally (and I do apologize for running on here), this project is being conducted entirely in the open on WPD and this public-webplatform@w3.orge-mail list. All communication is a matter of public record, and anyone is welcome to participate. Thanks Lance - and everyone! +SCott
Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 00:35:47 UTC