Session Timeout Bug Resolved?

Hi, folks-

According to most of you, the dreaded Session Timeout bug seems to have 
been resolved.

I asked Ryan about this. He suggested that it most likely is the result 
of the recent MediaWiki upgrade:
Sessions lasted previously for about a month, right? It's been about a 
month, I think. Maybe whatever was being stored in the database and/or 
memcache is completely cleared out and it was indeed related to the 
MediaWiki upgrade.

Either way, It's good to hear it's working now.

I'm hopeful that it's not just a fluke or a temporary respite. In case 
this reoccurs, please speak up.

Also, this may have resolved some issues with the SSO... it would be 
good to know if folks have a better experience with shared sessions with 
the Question2Answer forums (even if we do close them down...).

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 06:32:57 UTC