Re: Web Platform doc sprint 2/23 at Adobe (browser compatibility update)

Hi, Doug-

Thanks for joining in! I've had an ongoing action for a while to figure 
out how to integrate data from QuirksMode and CanIUse and W3C's tests, 
and to write it up... I've talked about it in dribs and drabs, but your 
email prompted me to write up a rough sketch of what I had in mind.

I'd love to talk with you more to see if this is compatible with what 
you had in mind.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Developer Relations Lead

p.s. Back off the name, May... I'm Doug in these parts! :P

On 1/31/13 2:47 PM, Doug May wrote:
> Hi, folks.  Peter Lubbers suggested that I contact you to track down
> the status of the browser compatibility grid, and how that's being
> moved forward.
> Here's the conversation I started with him:
> At the last SF doc sprint I made it to (the first?), I spent my time
> upgrading the instructions for how to document feature support by
> browser version (pulling the details from other resources on the web).
>   I've been contemplating that effort since then, and had some ideas
> for how to accelerate the process.
> I have a couple of quick questions that I thought someone might be
> able to answer offhand:
> 1. Were the updated procs ever put into production?  (I'm mostly
> curious, but hopefully someone took them and ran with them; my goal
> was to establish that as the default starter exercise for new
> participants in the project)
> 2.  How complete are the current compatibility grids?  Are we done (or
> nearly so)?  Do we have an easy way to answer that question?
> If we aren't already done (or on track to be done soon), I'd like to
> explore building a web app (using Ruby on Rails) to partially automate
> the process (both scraping the other site, and
> tracking basic human validation of the results).  I figure I have
> three weeks to get ready, so let me know if we can chat about all
> this.
> I'm also thinking of a structure that would enhance both collaboration
> (coordinated mass participation) and overall management of the doc
> project, either tying it to the existing lexical tree, or making the
> creation of such a reusable structure one of the next goals.
> I think this could be a fun exercise, as well as providing an
> opportunity for me to apply some of my collaboration principles to a
> worthy and open endeavor.
> Hope to hear from you soon.
> Yours,
> Doug May
> Collaboration Architect
> The Intuitive Edge

Received on Friday, 1 February 2013 17:00:14 UTC