Re: Caniuse features missing articles on WebPlatform Docs

I think in some cases the caniuse categories are too broad ("new
semantic elements") and sometimes too specific ("rem") to justify
separate pages. So I don't think we're missing all that much.

I added some SVG tutorials recently, & can mark these covered:

* "SVG SMIL animation" Covered here:

* "SVG effects for HTML" Light coverage of foreignObject (embed HTML
  within SVG), but full coverage for SVG filters within HTML here:
  (Currently works in Mozilla, even animated; partial WebKit coverage)

--Mike S

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:

> Hi, Alexis-
> On 4/27/13 7:58 PM, Alexis Deveria wrote:
>> Hi all, I recently started to add links to WPD articles for
>> <>,
> That is awesome in and of itself!
>  and came across a number that don't yet have
>> related WPD pages. I figured people here might find it useful to know of
>> this list, so I've added it as a user subpage here:
>> Hope this is helpful as an indicator of what kind of things don't yet
>> have pages, though I understand it doesn't make sense for each entry to
>> have a page.
> This is a great list, very useful. We should prioritize adding those
> pages. Please keep the list coming!
> I agree with the ones you mark as unspecific, but even those could have
> landing pages with the collection of links to the specific articles (or
> perhaps you can add multiple links to WPD for those?).
> Does anyone want to step up to start populating the pages on this list,
> even as stubs? I'd be happy to get someone started.
> Regards-
> -Doug

Received on Sunday, 28 April 2013 14:48:27 UTC