DOM API Docs Proposal

Thanks to Julee, Patrick, and Ryan's fascinating site map, we have a
complete bird's-eye view of our content, which proved indispensable in
auditing our DOM API pages and formulating a plan for organizing them,
which I propose at the following location:

To summarize, proposed is the following URL pattern in reorganizing the DOM
API docs:

   - dom/<object>/<member>     (where <member> is either a <property> or
   - dom/events/<event>

This means that all objects would reside on the same level, i.e.
"dom/Window," "dom/Document," etc. to provide for the shortest URLs
possible. Events are getting their own namespace because usually the event
target is a general DOM Element, and distinguishing events by their targets
does not add any useful information to the URLs.

You'll notice that the structure is very similar to that of the API
Docs[1], except for the omission of  <api name> interstitial, as in
"apis/webrtc" where "webrtc" is the name of an API_Listing page that
describes the common name of the API. These were necessary in the API docs
to avoid namespace collisions. They are not needed in the DOM API docs.

Note also the absence of the "apis" interstitial. The more I thought about
it, the less convinced I was that we needed it.

Have a look at the proposal and let me know what you think.



Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 16:17:30 UTC