Doc Sprint Amsterdam


As some of you probably allready know, I'm currently setting up a Doc
Sprint in Amsterdam.
The sprint is planned the day after the Fronteers conference, on October
the 12th.

The Fronteers ticket sales are being planned to go online next thursday. In
the confirmation e-mail, they want to include a link to an event page on
the Fronteers website about the WPDS.

Are there any good texts that explains the WPDS so I can put that on the
Fronteers site. And perhaps it should be on the blog before
it is announced anywhere else.

I want to set up an EventBrite page for the tickets, but we don't have a
confirmed location yet. Does anybody knows if that's problem?

Hope you can help me out.


Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 16:32:12 UTC