Re: #webplatform IRC policy

I like the content you have except for the 

"Please don't bring up new standards you want. We are not a standards creation community and can't help at all." 

We should suggest they go to and find the relevant mailing list to suggest anything. Or ask them to suggest @ #whatwg ? I think it sounds too negative to say 'don't'. 

On 11 Oct 2012, at 05:47, <> <> wrote:

> I think we should also add a small snippet explaining we aren't for general support on the chat page.  I created an example page at  to be looked over.  This way people know upfront where they can go for support and will hopefully not need to be said as much in the room.
> Thanks,
> Garbee
> On 11.10.2012 02:12am, Chris Mills wrote:
>> I've just changed the line in the topic "WebPlatform: ask and answer questions about web development and design" to "Support and conversation about" - hopefully this will help.
>> Chris Mills
>> Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
>> Co-chair, web education community group, W3C
>> Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (
>> )
>> * Try Opera: 
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>> On 11 Oct 2012, at 06:43, Paul Irish <
>>> wrote:
>>> Currently, the topic in #webplatform indicates it should be used for support for web development and design. I think we should change this. I'd rather see #webplatform be for the community behind the site rather than be a support channel for all things web development. • Currently #css, ##javascript, #html5, #svg, #html, #jquery and #web address support issues • Capturing all their combined scope doesn't scale for a single channel, but more importantly people who give answers in support channels prefer more niche topic areas and can get burnt out with too much off-topic questioning • We have a lot of work to do to firm up the content and using IRC as a place to sync on those efforts will supplement the list and ticket traffic. Both Chris Mills and Divya, have indicated in other threads a sense of support fatigue already in the channel. I've noticed this as well. I'd like to use the channel as realtime supplement to this list as well as a means to cultivate community with incoming folks and quickly get them involved. (As a note for list member who havent been on IRC, we've quickly gained a stable community of ~200 people, and found some of our largest contributors there) _ Paul

Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 20:15:35 UTC