- From: Chris Mills <cmills@opera.com>
- Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 20:26:12 +0000
- To: "public-webplatform@w3.org" <public-webplatform@w3.org>
Present: Chris Mills, Garbee, NotTomato, Julee B, Peter Lubbers, Scott Rowe, Dave Gash, Doug Schepers, Randy Nielsen Actions completed * ACTION: Doug S: Set Peter up with permissions to write blog post on Webplatform.org DONE * ACTION, Doug S: Write up guide on how to do translations by hand (carried over) DONE - see http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Translations. Improve and give comment! NOTE from Garbee - should probably go in WPD:Editors_Guide/translations * ACTION, Peter L: Follow up with evangelization of WPD docsprint at Google DONE - blog post published yesterday * ACTION, Julee: Send around mail about Wednesday Content TF meeting, and send around Doodle poll to agree on better time for Content TF meetings DONE: Julee did the former, Chris M did the latter * ACTION, Chris M: Work on milestones and roles for upcoming important tasks - make wiki page, then list 10 or so milestones that we really need to do; also encourage others to add their own. DONE - http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Task_Roadmap. It'll do for now Actions carried forward * ACTION, Doug S: Write up proposal for usage of data from caniuse, quirks mode, etc. on Wiki, and send link to list (carried over) * ACTION, all: Make our internal company teams aware of the doc sprint, and get interested parties to sign up and contribute * ACTION, Doug S: Approach Event Apart folks about doing WPD doc sprints to tie into their events. NOTE: Doug already in conversation with Eric Meyer about W3Conf. Will talk to him * ACTION, Doug S: Make more progress towards hosting Webplatform skin on GitHub NOTE: needs to talk to Ryan about the best way to do this. * ACTION, Doug S: Post a proposal to the list about best solution for duplicate title problem NOTE: needs to talk to Ryan about best way to fix this as well. * ACTION, Peter L: Create doc sprint in a Box package for docsprints NOTE: progress made, see http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Doc_Sprints and http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Community/Community_Events. Needs to be collated, re-orged, finished. * ACTION, Garbee: Continue working on solution for issue/bug tracking, as we really need a better way to do this. NOTE: Garbee:http://webplatform.jonathangarbee.com/thebuggenie/ * ACTION, Doug S: Send summary to mailing list of everything he can find to do with statistics NOTE: :not done yet, carry this one over to next week * ACTION, Alex K: Implement attributes/actions stuff (carried over) * ACTION: Paul I: Do further investigation into feasibility of markdown tool (carried over) New actions ACTION, all: look at the doc sprint pages, give peter feedback ACTION, Doug: follow up with Ryna about the session handling/login issues - most urgent bug right now ACTION, NotTomato: Follow up with Doug on creating the new user group, and getting the templates user groups sorted ACTION, Desbenoit: sort out Windows font bug, see https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19369 ACTION, Chris M: find better things to link the front page bullets to. Video is a possibility, in the near future, perhaps ACTION, Chris M: write up formalization of mentors, padawans, badges, etc. Create a formal proposal. Raw transcript [5:08pm]chrismills:Actions from last week [5:08pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Write up proposal for usage of data from caniuse, quirks mode, etc. on Wiki, and send link to list (carried over) [5:08pm]shepazu:Topic: Actions from last week [5:08pm]chrismills:Doug's action not finished yet [5:09pm]chrismills:still working on it [5:09pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Write up guide on how to do translations by hand (carried over) [5:09pm]shepazu:http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Translations [5:09pm]chrismills:first draft done - discuss later [5:09pm]chrismills:ACTION, Peter L: Follow up with evangelization of WPD docsprint at Google (carried over) [5:09pm]chrismills:done, blog post posted yersterday [5:09pm]Garbee:Should probably go into WPD:Editors_Guide/translations . --The Translation guide. [5:09pm]chrismills:and on Google+ [5:10pm]chrismills:ACTION, Peter L: Write blog posts about next doc sprint on Dec 12th in Mountain View, continue organization for this [5:10pm]chrismills:these were combined into same blog post, both done [5:10pm]chrismills:Doug S: Set Peter up with permissions to write blog post on Webplatform.org [5:11pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Set Peter up with permissions to write blog post on Webplatform.org [5:11pm]chrismills:done - Peter now able to post! [5:11pm] David_Bradbury joined the chat room. [5:11pm]chrismills:ACTION, all: Make our internal company teams aware of the doc sprint, and get interested parties to sign up and contribute [5:11pm]chrismills:ongoing - try to get as many people involved as possible! [5:12pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Approach Event Apart/Web directions folks about doing WPD doc sprints to tie into their events. (carried over, Doug has already started a conversation with John Allsopp, AEA folks still to be approached) [5:12pm]chrismills:Doug already in conversation with Eric Meyer, so will ask him [5:12pm]Garbee:Because we are disorganized. [5:12pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Make more progress towards hosting Webplatform skin on GitHub (carried over, Doug has made progess on this, but needs to confer with Alex about best way to do this; Fr0zenice has looked at some of this stuff as well, in terms of what he wants to help with) [5:12pm]Garbee:Paul Irish. But he isn't here. [5:13pm]chrismills:who is awesome at Github? Who wants to help Doug? Come forward! [5:13pm]chrismills:Doug will follow up with Ryan about this as a next step, because he needs to [5:13pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Post a proposal to the list about best solution for duplicate title problem (carried over: progress made, plugin worked on, but Doug needs to wait for Ryan to get back off vacation to check that this will work) [5:14pm]chrismills:Again, Doug needs to talk to Ryan about this [5:14pm]chrismills:ACTION, Peter L: Create doc sprint in a Box package for docsprints (carried over: Still needs to be finished, but progress has been made, Andre from Adobe helped him out) [5:14pm]chrismills:Update - Peter has made progress on this [5:14pm]chrismills:collected some stuff together [5:14pm]jswisher:is there a link for doc-sprint-in-a-box? [5:14pm]chrismills:there are some pages on this already, but these need to be collated and sorted out [5:15pm] desbenoit joined the chat room. [5:15pm]Garbee:No problem. [5:15pm]Garbee:http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Community/Community_Events [5:15pm]chrismills:Peter also getting ready to restructure the relevant pages [5:16pm]chrismills:moving forward nicely [5:16pm]Garbee:http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Doc_Sprints [5:16pm]Garbee:Any other links relevent to docsprints? [5:16pm]chrismills:ACTION: look at the doc sprint pages, give peter feedback [5:16pm] julee_ left the chat room. (Quit: Good Night and Good Luck -Edward R. Murrow) [5:16pm]chrismills:ACTION: think about where to link this stuff from; we want to make it easy to find [5:17pm]chrismills:ACTION, Garbee: Continue working on solution for issue/bug tracking, as we really need a better way to do this. [5:17pm]Garbee:http://webplatform.jonathangarbee.com/thebuggenie/ [5:17pm]chrismills:Garbee has done a lot of work on this - see link for demo of Bug Genie [5:17pm]Garbee:http://webplatform.jonathangarbee.com/thebuggenie/ [5:18pm]chrismills:ACTION: please look over and give feedback [5:18pm]chrismills:ACTION, Julee: Send around mail about Wednesday Content TF meeting, and send around Doodle poll to agree on better time for Content TF meetings [5:18pm]chrismills:It ended up being me who send the doodle poll [5:19pm]chrismills:http://doodle.com/m3hhxdi758ace4ac? [5:19pm]chrismills:Doug not filled in [5:19pm]chrismills:hint hint [5:19pm]Garbee:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/2012Dec/0007.html --This poll? [5:19pm]chrismills:ACTION, Chris M: Work on milestones and roles for upcoming important tasks - make wiki page, then list 10 or so milestones that we really need to do; also encourage others to add their own. Things to definitely put on there - session handling issues, recruiting specific content contributors (to work on CSS, JS, etc.), dealing with spam [5:19pm]chrismills:done, not best thing in world, but it will work for now [5:19pm] cgoodman joined the chat room. [5:20pm]chrismills:ACTION, Doug S: Send summary to mailing list of everything he can find to do with statistics [5:20pm]chrismills:not done yet, carry this one over to next week [5:20pm] mstalfoort left the chat room. (Quit: kthxbai) [5:20pm] cgoodman left the chat room. [5:20pm]chrismills:Next topic: THE GODDAMN SESSION ISSUES [5:20pm]chrismills:(the small issue) [5:21pm]chrismills:Ryan upgrading us to next version of MediaWiki [5:21pm]chrismills:Garbee reports this has been done already [5:21pm]chrismills:but it still doesn't appear to have fixed the session issues [5:22pm]Garbee:{CENSOR} fracking session issues. [5:22pm]chrismills:ACTION: Doug to follow up with Ryan [5:22pm]NotTomato:Is the spam topic over because I work on spam control for the wiki and I wrote filters to mark bad edits. I look out for new spam and write filters around them but there really hasn't been any on the wiki: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter [5:22pm]NotTomato:I don't think you guys have to worry about any spam on the wiki itself. [5:22pm]Garbee:NotTomato, Spam hasn't started yet. [5:22pm]NotTomato:Oh okay. [5:22pm]chrismills:we'll discuss that one retroactively [5:23pm]chrismills:Peter - would be nice to get session issues sorted out by next doc sprint [5:23pm]chrismills:Next action: spam [5:23pm] cgoodman joined the chat room. [5:24pm]chrismills:Next action: template lockdown [5:24pm]chrismills:Garbee: it is confusing whether this is wiki or documentation engine. if the former, then lockdown unacceptable. if the latter, then lockdown ok [5:25pm]chrismills:shepazu: is this a useful distinction? [5:25pm]chrismills:Garbee: is it an open community editing system, or a closed doc system? [5:26pm]chrismills:Scott Rowe - agrees with Doug. Still doesn't think this is useful [5:26pm]NotTomato:I guess what I'm curious about is if the templates are meant to be improved. [5:27pm]chrismills:shepazu: if templates are edited, we risk misrepresentation and corruption of data [5:27pm]chrismills:if someone makes a bad change, we can change it back [5:28pm]chrismills:this is the wikipedia model [5:28pm]chrismills:but wikipedia is pretty shallow [5:28pm] julee_ joined the chat room. [5:28pm]chrismills:and the templates are much simpler than the ones we are using [5:29pm]chrismills:shepazu: Ryan Lane was one of the people who thought we should lock this down [5:29pm]chrismills:NotTomato: do we want the templates improved? [5:29pm]Garbee:I think at this point we shouldn't worry about vandalism. [5:29pm]chrismills:scottrowe: one reason for locking down is so that we can have more control during this period of trying to fix bugs and sort out template problems [5:30pm]chrismills:shepazu: Alex had telcon about template core, and how to get them improved [5:30pm]chrismills:we are happy to give permissions to anyone who is committed and wants to edit the template [5:31pm]chrismills:NotTomato: should we create a new user group - template editors? [5:31pm]chrismills:shepazu: yes, that sounds like a good idea. But can we do that in mediawiki? [5:32pm]chrismills:shepazu: if the issue is people being allowed to edit the templates, rather than the templates being locked down at all, then it is a non issue [5:32pm]chrismills:shepazu: we just need to trust the template editors, make sure they know what they are doing, and make sure changes are discussed first [5:32pm]chrismills:is that ok? [5:32pm]chrismills:NotTomato: yes [5:33pm]chrismills:ACTION: NotTomato to follow up with Doug on creating the new user group, and getting the templates user groups sorted [5:33pm]chrismills:shepazu: Alex and others were inexperienced at making templates when we first started this thing, so maybe the ones we have are not the best [5:34pm]chrismills:shepazu: open call - if you have a better way of organizing them/writing them, please feel empowered [5:34pm]chrismills:and go ahead [5:34pm] wpdbot left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection) [5:34pm] wpdbot joined the chat room. [5:36pm]chrismills:shepazu: we should also talk at the end of the call about how the community feels about the empowerment issue - we want the community to feel able to do stuff, and not feel locked out [5:36pm]chrismills:NotTomato and Garbee happy with template resolution [5:36pm]Garbee:We need to simply make it clear how to be able to edit the templates. [5:37pm]chrismills:Next topic: anonymous editing [5:37pm]Garbee:We will figure that out later though. [5:37pm]chrismills:Garbee : a number of people have contacted Garbee and NotTomato asking about being able to edit the wiki anonymously [5:38pm]chrismills:there are a number of cases in which someone would want to make changes anonymously [5:38pm]chrismills:Scott, Doug, Eliot are all sceptical [5:38pm]peterlubbers:chrismlls: related to the earlier action item. My proposal was to Proposal is to move [5:38pm]peterlubbers:http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Doc_Sprints [5:38pm]peterlubbers:to: [5:38pm]peterlubbers:http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Community [5:38pm]chrismills:Julee - has a question about what the effect on quality would be [5:38pm]chrismills:me/ thanks Peter [5:39pm]•chrismills thanks Peter [5:39pm]chrismills:SCott - MDN successful because people were trustworthy and responsible [5:39pm]chrismills:it would be interesting to find out from Janet if MDN ever considered anonymous editing? [5:40pm]Garbee:For me it has only been four people. [5:40pm]chrismills:shepazu: big question - how many people exactly have requested this? [5:40pm]chrismills:only reason to allow them to do anonymous editing would be to allow them to edit using a user account [5:40pm]julee_:Another question: is reluctance to login because of the login problems? [5:41pm]chrismills:Peter - it's a collaborative site, we want to be able to communicate with people about their edits [5:41pm]chrismills:oops, Scott, not Peter [5:42pm]chrismills:Eliot - how about making it so that reporting an issue doesn't require registration, but editing does? [5:42pm]chrismills:shepazu: this is currently not the case [5:42pm]chrismills:it was originally like this because of spam [5:42pm]chrismills:but this is not so much of a problem now, due to NotTomato's excellent spam filtering stuff [5:43pm]chrismills:shepazu: also concerned about the quality issue [5:43pm]chrismills:shepazu: is an editor on Wikipedia. There have been a couple of instances recently [5:43pm]chrismills:there was a page on collision detection, but not hit testing, so Doug went and added it [5:43pm]chrismills:people edited it and it was ok [5:44pm]chrismills:but then an anonymous editor came along and totally screwed the page up [5:44pm]chrismills:and Doug didn't notice for about a year [5:44pm]chrismills:and then found it was being considered a candidate for deletion [5:44pm]chrismills:because of this anonymous person's mistake [5:45pm]chrismills:and it was impossible to find them to talk to them about it [5:45pm]NotTomato:You can talk to anonymous users, they have talk pages, and they will see you messaging them on the top of the wiki if you use it. [5:45pm]chrismills:very frustrating [5:45pm]chrismills:we need to work on building up a community [5:46pm]Ryan_Lane:eh? I didn't upgrade mediawiki yet [5:46pm]Ryan_Lane:that's scheduled for tomorrow [5:46pm]NotTomato:I still says it's version 1.20 for me. o; [5:46pm]Garbee:Tomato, who updated what last night? [5:46pm]chrismills:Scott - we don't have enough hands on board to see these problems yet perhaps? [5:47pm]NotTomato:I just assumed they did but then I looked at the version and it's still at the older one. [5:47pm]Garbee:Ryan_Lane, Sorry, miscommunication. [5:47pm]chrismills:let's not think about solutions to problems that have not happened yet [5:48pm]chrismills:Scott - we should think about this problem until after more pressing things have been sorted out, like the sessions/login difficulties [5:48pm]chrismills:shepazu: there will always be people who will have a problem with creating accounts [5:49pm]chrismills:but is there a significant enough number that this will be a problem? [5:49pm]chrismills:Julee - this is probably largely due to the fact that logging in is really difficult now anyway [5:49pm]chrismills:So resolution for now - let's leave this for now, and come back to it in the future? [5:50pm]chrismills:Garbee - is ok by that. One interesting point is that the Q&A allows anonymous answers [5:51pm]chrismills:shepazu: would it still be a barrier if we had login on the Q&A, but we had login, and SSO working well, etc. [5:51pm]chrismills:Conclusion for now - we won't allow anonymous editing yet. We will fix our major problems with login and stuff first [5:52pm]Garbee:https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19369 [5:53pm]chrismills:NotTomato: font issue on Windows is low hanging fruit that annoys people [5:53pm]chrismills:desbenoit was looking at this issue [5:53pm]chrismills:ACTION: desbenoit to sort this out. He has identified it as a font issue, and will sort it out asap [5:54pm]chrismills:Garbee: note that MW not upgraded yet [5:55pm]Garbee:https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20237 [5:55pm]Garbee:^^This chat bug should be discussed this week. [5:55pm]chrismills:Next topic - chris wanted changes made to front page [5:56pm]scottrowe:Bugs: What about search? I saw some activity in BZ last week... [5:56pm]Garbee:scottrowe, Search dealing with what? [5:56pm]Garbee:I'm lost. [5:56pm]julee_:Here's the URL for the doodle poll for the content meetings: http://www.doodle.com/m3hhxdi758ace4ac [5:56pm]chrismills:shepazu: didn't like my suggestion of changing the bullets on front page, but did like the suggestion of adding blurb to the front page [5:57pm]chrismills:ACTION: Chris, find better things to link the front page bullets to. Video is a possibility, in the near future, perhaps [5:57pm]chrismills:Next topic - how the community feels about the empowerment issue - we want the community to feel able to do stuff, and not feel locked out [5:58pm]chrismills:NotTomato: still thinks it would be better if we unlocked everything, but thinks having permissions available for those that want t is acceptable [5:59pm]chrismills:shepazu: we had the idea in the stewards call about a mentoring system for us to share our skills between people [6:00pm]chrismills:it would be good to share info, and provide proof that people are qualified in doing various things, such as templating [6:00pm]chrismills:share the skills between people [6:00pm]chrismills:shepazu: how does this sound to the volunteers out there? [6:01pm]chrismills:NotTomato, Garbee: sounds like a great idea [6:01pm]desbenoit:I does sound good to me, too [6:01pm]chrismills:Garbee: there was talk about a badge system prelaunch. This would tie in well [6:02pm]chrismills:Action:desbenoit make some badges for the site - template editor, editor, icon designer [6:02pm]Ryan_Lane:when we can release our salt configuration, we'll be able to set up a test/dev infrastructure in wikimedia labs, which would allow volunteers to start doing ops tasks, too [6:02pm]Garbee:Ryan_Lane, Any kind of timeframe for that? [6:03pm]Ryan_Lane:before I left for vacation I started working on setting up gerrit, which would host the repo [6:03pm]Ryan_Lane:(it would also let us sync to github) [6:03pm]Ryan_Lane:I can try to have gerrit up by next week [6:03pm]Garbee:Ok. I would like to see that done by the end of January. It has been a major request. [6:03pm]chrismills:this also makes it easier to find out who would be best to approach about doing a task, such as editing a template [6:03pm]Garbee:The sooner the better, but with the Christmas Hiatus. [6:04pm]chrismills:Julee - we could have a single page to allow people to find out others [6:04pm]Ryan_Lane:we need another ops person [6:04pm]chrismills:sorted by skills and individuals [6:04pm]Garbee:Ryan_Lane, I am ops newb, but I can try. [6:04pm] cgoodman left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [6:04pm] desbenoit left the chat room. (Read error: No route to host) [6:04pm] cgoodman joined the chat room. [6:05pm] desbenoit joined the chat room. [6:05pm] cgoodman left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [6:05pm]chrismills:Action: Chris: write up formalization of mentors, padawans, badges, etc. Create a formal proposal. [6:05pm] cgoodman_ joined the chat room. [6:05pm]Ryan_Lane:I need to talk to shepazu about things [6:05pm]chrismills:Action: Ryan - talk to Shepazu [6:06pm]Ryan_Lane: [6:06pm]Garbee:Someone needs to make sure Padawan is not trademarked by Lucasarts. [6:06pm]chrismills:Garbee: Disney? [6:06pm]Garbee:Nah, Lucas. [6:06pm]Garbee:Disney bought rights to do movies. [6:07pm]chrismills:If we get sued, it'll be great publicity [6:07pm]Garbee:My dad owns a comic shop, I know that deal well by now. [6:07pm]chrismills:MEETING FINITO! Thanks all [6:07pm]shepazu:Ryan_Lane: here I am! [6:07pm] Chris Mills Open standards evangelist and dev.opera.com editor, Opera Software Co-chair, web education community group, W3C Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (http://my.opera.com/chrismills/blog/2012/07/12/practical-css3-my-book-is-finally-published) * Try Opera: http://www.opera.com * Learn about the latest open standards technologies and techniques: http://dev.opera.com * Contribute to web education: http://www.w3.org/community/webed/ On 3 Dec 2012, at 23:30, Doug Schepers <schepers@w3.org> wrote: > Hi, folks- > > Our telcon this week will be at the regular time, on Tuesday 27 November, at 17:00 UTC / 12:00 ET / 9:00 PT, on the regular phone line and IRC channel [1]. > > I'll chair the call... can I get a volunteer to scribe? > > Agenda: > * Review of open action items > * Session issues > * Other outstanding priority bugs > * Template lock-down > * Anonymous editing > * Any other topics? > > [1] http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Meetings > > Regards- > -Doug Schepers > W3C Developer Relations Lead >
Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 20:26:52 UTC