Re: Additional Comments on Web Payments Interest Group Charter from Federal Reserve Banks

Dear Claudia

thank you for your comments.

I agree on your point about making a clear statement on the problem.
I will try to come with a proposal that will cover the issue for 
end-user, as well as challenges for merchants, and a greater 
opporutnities for payment industry (payment system providers, wallet 
providers, etc.).
I also agree on your second point and we received quite lots of comments 
on this. So we will indeed clarify and provide more details.

Finally, i understand your last point, and never really realized the 
issue till now so i iwll fix this.

Thank you again

Le 02/06/2014 15:33, Swendseid, Claudia a écrit :
> Following are some additional comments on the Web Payments Interest
> Group Charter from the Federal Reserve Banks.
> 1.We suggest the charter could be made more compelling if it offered a
> stronger statement on the problem that this work effort is seeking to
> address. For example the problem statement could be expressed along the
> following lines:  consumers and other end users when making payments on
> the Web encounter problems, notably a common user experience that is
> safe and secure, easy to use, efficient, and generally uniform from site
> to site.  Others closer to this effort may have better language to offer.
> 2.As mentioned in earlier Federal Reserve comments, the reference to B2C
> and P2P in the Scope may be unduly narrow as later descriptive
> references to commerce seem to suggest many more use cases.  In
> addition, the Scope seems to encompass not only payments for purposes of
> commerce (which would be most “X2B” use cases), but payments to
> individuals, whether from a person or a business.
> 3.Regarding earlier comments on loyalty, we revise these to suggest that
> rather than eliminating these references, they be narrowed in scope to
> the aspects of loyalty that involve payment for goods and services.
> Claudia S. Swendseid
> Senior Vice President
> Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
> Phone: 612-204-5448
> Cell: 612-655-7523
> Email:
> <>
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