Additional Comments on Web Payments Interest Group Charter from Federal Reserve Banks

Following are some additional comments on the Web Payments Interest Group Charter from the Federal Reserve Banks.

1.      We suggest the charter could be made more compelling if it offered a stronger statement on the problem that this work effort is seeking to address.  For example the problem statement could be expressed along the following lines:  consumers and other end users when making payments on the Web encounter problems, notably a common user experience that is safe and secure, easy to use, efficient, and generally uniform from site to site.  Others closer to this effort may have better language to offer.

2.      As mentioned in earlier Federal Reserve comments, the reference to B2C and P2P in the Scope may be unduly narrow as later descriptive references to commerce seem to suggest many more use cases.  In addition, the Scope seems to encompass not only payments for purposes of commerce (which would be most "X2B" use cases), but payments to individuals, whether from a person or a business.

3.      Regarding earlier comments on loyalty, we revise these to suggest that rather than eliminating these references, they be narrowed in scope to the aspects of loyalty that involve payment for goods and services.

Claudia S. Swendseid
Senior Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Phone: 612-204-5448
Cell: 612-655-7523

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Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 15:04:41 UTC