Re: double spend as a feature

On 25 July 2016 at 00:44, Jeffrey Cliff <> wrote:

> ...except ethereum classic is trading at 0.92$ and ethereum-non-classic is
> trading at 12.77$....together less than they were not that long before the
> fork was first announced.  That said there are interesting incentives going
> on wrt mining, and a full flight of capital hasn't happened, but still: not
> quite the 'double spend both coins at risen price' effect

Good point.  The the price has risen post fork.  More on this story.

What Id like to point out is that double spending coins in two markets
should now be considered a reality, and not necessarily, a catastrophe.

I suggest that conceptually it's a game changer.

> On 24 July 2016 at 16:25, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
>> Jesse Schell one said, "does anyone remember when the term 'viral' meant
>> bad?"
>> There is a very interesting development in digital payments this weekend
>> when ethereum created a hard fork in order to redistribute capital.
>> The community was split on whether or not this was a good idea, and in
>> the end it happened anyway.
>> But something strange happened.
>> Someone created a fork of the original code base called "ethereum classic"
>> What this meant was that anyone with a balance on either ethereum fork
>> would automatically achieve a double spend of those electronic coins.
>> Contrary to popular wisdom the market has responded by rising the price
>> of both double spent coins, rather than, a flight of capital.
>> We live in interesting times.  We now have two ethereum chains fighting
>> for supremacy with different algorithms.
>> Anyone who bought in has essentially doubled their capital, as of now,
>> due to double spend acting as a feature, rather than a bug!
> --
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Received on Sunday, 24 July 2016 23:04:06 UTC